TOEFL 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:dfg1111
【IBT机经-50】Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: Most of environmental issues are too complicated, and individual can do nothing.
1. 环境问题都包括哪些方面?请结合具体事例简述。
回答: 污染,各种污染。比如噪音污染,光污染,白色垃圾
2. 一般来讲,事情有难有易,有大有小,环境问题也是如此。请结合具体事例简述,环境问题的哪些方面是比较复杂难解决的,哪些是相对比较容易解决的?
回答: 恩,比如空气污染,个人比较难以控制
3. 个人对于环境问题可以做些什么呢?这些个人贡献对于解决严峻的环境问题会起到哪些影响呢?请结合实际简述。
回答: 从最基本的做起
4. 对于解决日趋严峻的环境问题,个人的贡献虽小,可是做的人多了,也会成为大贡献,请结合具体事例简述你对此观点的理解。
回答: 对啊,比如每个人节约一度电,就可以节约很多的能源
5. 有没有哪些环境问题特别严峻,即使个人贡献也无法改变?请结合实际简述。
回答: 沙漠化,全球变暖
Today, there are more and more people focus on environment problem. Cause there is one earth and we have not find a suitable planet to settle. If the earth is unavaible, we definitely would die out. Most of the environment problems from the comperhensive angle, are tough. Just by any person(induvidaul ) himself seems impossible to solve them. Then we should do nothing? It is wrong, we could change the world, we could make it better.
We are humanity, actually most of the environment issues are caused by human activities. Thus we must response for those issues. And we could do something. For instance, the air pollution. Some pollutant is discharged by the factories, some is made by cars. So if we change our means of transportation, using public ways such as buses and subways as much as possible. The pollutant discharged by our cars would apparently decrease. By the way, if we must drive to some places, using environmental friendly gasoline, likewise, would have positive effects on environment. If we do not do anything, we are killing ourselves. 
I must admit that one person's effect is limited on the environment. But consider that a day when we all do this thing. The human's power could not be slighted. Or how could we  pollute the environment. Think saving the resource, every body in the world save just one ton fresh water a day. We would save more than 6 billion ton fresh water a day. I cannot imagine that. That means, even the individual's effort is limited, the total power of the human is considerable. We must harness the powerful considerable force in a proper way.
Anyway, even the individual's effort have nothing to do with the environment. We could spread the concept of environment protection. We must be consider this issue as an significant one which could change human's fate. Therefore, let us act now, do everything we can to protect the earth which we rely on.
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