TOEFL 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:Hleb
【IBT机经-13】Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: If you need to discuss upsetting or controversial problems with others, using e-mail or text messaging is better than using telephone or voice-messaging.
题目非常贴近人们的日常生活,因而和题目相关的例子不在少数。题目的前提条件是讨论有争议的问题,所以要围绕这件事情的特点来展开,破题的关键在于将题目拆分成三个小单元“upsetting or controversial problems(令人讨厌的或有争议的问题)”、“e-mail or text messaging(发送电子邮件或发短信)”“telephone or voice messaging(打电话或发送语音信息)”,讨论每个小单元的典型特点,加以联系即可。
1. 一般情况下,人们进行讨论会采取哪些方式,请结合具体事例分别说明?如果是你,你会采用题目中涉及到的一些方式来进行讨论吗,为什么?
回答: 面对面交流,电话交流,邮件短信讨论。我会采取邮件或者短信的方式进行,因为发邮件可以让我有更多的时间进行思考,会将问题考虑的更周到。
2. 令人讨厌的和有争议的问题有什么特点?请结合实际简述。
回答: 问题本身可能又争议。没有明确的分界线,也就是说没有最正确的答案。不同的条件下有不同的解决方案的问题。如讨论一次班级出游的交通问题,是采用公共交通工具还是租车。
3. 人们一般讨论上述问题的时候会出现哪些情况?请结合实际简述,如果是你在讨论这种问题,你会选择哪种方式?你会选择上述之外的方式吗,请具体说明?
回答: 会有冲突,意见不能达成一致。如果是我的话,我会选择语音的方式,因为这种问题可能在气势上占据主动地一方更有优势获得自己想要的结果。
4. 电子邮件和发短信有哪些特点?我们一般用它来解决什么问题?请结合具体事例简述。
回答: 文字特征书面性。我们一般用来解决非常正式的问题。确认一些重要且争议不大的事情。如课程确认
5. 打电话和发语音信息有哪些特点?这种方式用来讨论题目中的问题合适吗?请结合具体事例简述。
回答: 及时性,可以让对方感受到当时的气氛与情感变化。不太合适,面对有争议的问题,人人往往会丧失理智,从而影响判断力。如法院在审理案件时,双方的情绪都有可能不受控制,从而影响案件的审理。
As the advance of technology increased, more and more people could discuss controversial issues by varieties of ways. Using email or text messages,or you can also make a phone call or voice messaging. From my perspective, Using email or text messages behave more considerable than making a phone call or voice messaging.
The controversial issues often acompany with emotion. Therefore when confront the issues we should discuss the problem more reasonablely.Interesting fact regarding in which way people like to discuss controversial problems is found that about 64% people prefer using email or text messages.I suppose that controversial issues are often hard to solve in a short time and it is easy to affected by people's emotion. What's more it may affect people's moods and hence lead the discussion in a unexpected way.
Using email or text messages enable people to have more time to think about the problem they meet.In a period of characterized by globalization, we are required to take less time solve more questions. As far as I concerned, people can save their time by using this way to disscuss controversial issues. Under the uncontrolled emotion,people would not make the best desicion. So I believe that using emails or messages have more effect on solving problem efficiently than making a phone call or voice messaging.
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