TOEFL 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:杨峙垒
【IBT机经-22】Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: The best way for parents to make the children learn about responsibility is to have children care for an animal?
1. 结合实际,请简述你是如何理解责任感的。
回答: 责任感是一种意识,意识自己是某件事,某个东西的主导因素,无论这件事,这样东西最后变成什么样都是因为自己的所作所为。比如被布置了一个任务,任务成功与否取决于自己,任务失败了要承担责任。更具体地说,学校里老师布置作业,作业完成程度决定了最后的得分,而这些都是取决于自己用不用心去做作业
2. 责任感对人们的工作生活有什么影响吗?请结合具体事例简述。
回答: 责任感影响1 别人对自己的评价,对自己的信任,有可能影响自己的前途(被老板看到了,fired)一个成年人必要的品质 2.责任感对自制力有帮助,因为懂得承担责任,为了避免恶果而克制自己的行为。
3. 孩子的心理特征有哪些呢?你觉得是否有必要让孩子了解责任感呢?请结合具体事例简述。
回答: 孩子贪玩,喜欢无忧无虑,大多数孩子没有责任感,比如打破窗户会想要跑。有必要让孩子了解责任感,这是成熟道路上的必修课,否则以后会被社会淘汰。举例,在中国很多大学生不知道自己的责任是学习知识回报社会,整日玩游戏,这是对自己的不负责,结果找工作没人要,找到的也不理想。
4. 照料小动物需要做些什么呢?它和责任感有什么必然联系吗?孩子能否胜任这项任务呢?请结合实际简述。
回答: 照顾小动物需要每日定时喂食,生病的时候带他看兽医。孩子们要很用心才能胜任。举例 小学的时候同学把鸭子养在鸟笼里冬天里冻死了 但是喂养失败导致小动物死亡能给孩子一次很好的教训
5. 培养孩子们的责任感除了照料小动物以外,还有其他的方法吗?请结合实际说明你选择其他方法的理由。
回答: 让孩子形成好的习惯,重复一些好的动作形成习惯。这些习惯会使孩子拥有责任感。 举例,小时候母亲让我做完作业才能玩,否则就要挨打。以后逐渐养成了这种习惯,就算他们没打我也会等到做完作业才玩。
Children are the focus of all the parents in the world. So it's very common to see this sence that two mothers encount each other on the way home and stop their steps to talk about raising their kids. In terms of children education, how to raise the sense of responsibility of a kid has been broadly discussed. Recently there is a new saying that the best way to raise the sense of responsibility is to let children keep a pet. In my opinion, it's a reasonable and accessable way but not the best way.
A sense of responsibility can be defined as an awareness of taking all the results of what someone is responsible for, no matter whether the results are good or bad. It's been seen as the hallmark of mature people, which itself tells its importance in children education. After all, nobody wants their kids to become someone childish when they go to the society. And in my view, a very important reason of why a mature man must be a responsible one is that a mature man must have gone through a great number of results caused by himself, and certainly have suffered a lot of pains due to himself. Therefore, this man will take much more care of what he is responsible for in the future to avoid bad results happening again. So as far as I'm concerned, the best way to raise the sense of responsibility is to make children suffer pains that caused by themselves. Now we can come back to the way that let children keep a pet. There is no doubt that it will work well because few children can keep a pet well. To keep a pet needs people to do many things carefully, which can even be difficult tasks for adults, not to mention a child. For example, good pet keepers should know the right time to feed their pets and do this every day. Also, they have to observe the pets' daily activities in a high frequency in case the pets get diseases. Children will certainly screw it up in most cases, which can in turn be a good opportunity to give a lesson about responsibility to children. When they see their lovely pets die, the terrible and sorrow feelings will nail into their hearts and drive them to be much more careful next time, in this way a sense of responsibility can be raised.
Although it will be useful to raise children's sense of responsibilty to have them keep a pet, this way is not the best one. There are two reasons as follows. Firstly, this way can be a bit of cruel for animal own their lives that should get respects from human. We can not educate children in the cost of animal's lives. In addition, there is a traditional but better way to educate children. That is to teach them a good habit and scold them when they violate the habit. For instance, when I was a child my parents tell me not to play before the homework is done or I would be punished. This really worked so well that I never played before finishing my homeword until graduation from college. Compared with making an animal dead, it's a better way at the lower cost to scold children.
In conclusion, having children raise an animal can help them raise a sense of responsibility efficiently, but this method is not the best for its heavy costs and for the being of another better way.
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