GRE 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:wangxiaoyu
Government should never censor the artistic works or historical displays that a museum wishes to exhibit.
本题讨论对博物馆进行政府审查必要性的问题,题目认为这种审查行为是不应该进行的。和ISSUE224--Censorship is rarely, if ever, justified类似。在分析的过程中,可以从政府建立审查制度的目的和执行过程中合理与不合理的方面,审查制度对于博物馆展览品的影响等方面展开思考。
1. 请列举几个国家(例如:中国、美国)的审查制度,并对比这些制度之间的共性和个性,审查制度一般对哪些内容会进行限制。
回答: 审查内容 政治问题、性问题、粗俗和堕落
2. 政府设置审查制度的目的是什么?请举例并简述。
回答: 保证政治上的合法性。例:2006年北京政府责令798艺术区撤下政治敏感的作品,其中包括一副毛泽东在血红色长江里游泳的照片。
3. 因为那些可能的原因,政府会对“博物馆要展览的艺术品和历史陈列”进行审查?请举例并简述。
回答: 保证政治上的合法性。例:2006年北京政府责令798艺术区域撤下20余幅政治敏感的作品,其中包括一副毛泽东在血红色长江里游泳的照片。
4. 审查的进行对于博物馆、以及要展览的艺术品和历史陈列会有哪些负面影响?请举例并简述。
回答: 一些艺术家的被剥夺了合理表达自己想法的权利。 例:2010年12月美国纽约肖像博物馆把艺术家DAVID的作品撤出展览,因为人为其展现艾滋病人死亡的肖像展现了不健康的性,遭到了纽约民众的抗议。
5. 如果没有审查制度,没有限制的各种展览会对社会造成哪些潜在危害?请举例并简述。
回答: 一些艺术家假借行为艺术行为展出一些非人道的艺术作品。如茱萸的“食婴”。
21 century has seen a great prosperity of culture.People have the right to express their own ideas in a variety of ways . Among all the people who are eager to claim their voice , artist are the people who are most sensitive and represent a group of people to some extent . These artists exhibit their works in museum that every people can come to see their work and know their ideas . Before an art exhibition open to the public , it should be censored by government to confirm the art works in the exhibition has nothing to do with sensitive political issues , ethical issues and other issues which may have bad influence on the people . The censorship system helps to prevent some radical artists to express their thoughts in illegal ways but confines the freedom of artists under some circumstance at the same time. Therefore , it is necessary to build a concrete and rational censorship system so that artists can express their ideas freely and legally . 
To some extent , it is necessary for government to censor the artistic works or historical displays that a museum wishes to exhibit to confirm the ethical legality of these works . In 2006, some “Chinese behavioral artists” use the dead body of animals to express nihilism in their exhibition , which disgust the visitors and a American artists said that it disobey life ethics and this exhibition will not be allowed even in America . These artists take radical measures to pursue fame which does negative effect on people’s view on life . And government have the responsibility to restrain these phenomena . Government should censorship this kind of exhibition and prohibit it .
Although I admitted under some circumstance , censorship is necessary and prohibits some negative artistic and historical works , it can not be ignored that some artists’ freedom is confined by censorship that they can not express their ideas freely . New York government has prohibited a work by David , a American artist , to exhibit in New York portrait museum , reasoning that his work in which a dying AIDS patient is described expresses an unhealthy view of sex . On heard of that , citizens in New York are angry and organize a revolution to express their dissatisfaction on government . New York government has disturbed an artist’s freedom and his right to claim his idea . Under such circumstance , the government should not censor the artistic works to protest the variety of culture .
 Despite the possible deterioration of culture diversity , censorship may lead to a concealment of truth . American government once prohibit a America and  Afghanistan War photography exhibition which expresses  the miserable circumstance of Afghanistan’s people . The government use their authority to maintain their military authority and assert the war is justice . This censorship conceals truth from public and should never be occurred in any exhibitions .
 As mentioned above , censorship on museum’s work is a two-edged sword . We should build a more concrete censorship institution that government would take different manners under different circumstances . Only by doing that can we have a healthy culture and historical environment .
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