GRE 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:wangxiaoyu
Highspeed electronic communications media, such as electronic mail and television, tend to prevent meaningful and thoughtful communication.
1. 高速电子通讯传媒除了电子邮件和电视外还有哪些形式?有什么特点?在现代社会人与人之间的交流中过程中起到了什么作用?请结合具体事例简述。
回答: 视频通话。能够准确的传递信息。08年汶川地震,人们通过电视第一时间了解灾区情况,组织捐款活动。
2. 传统传媒的哪些优点被高速电子传媒继承了?哪些被忽视了?请举例并简述。
回答: 报纸和电视。做新闻的严谨态度没有被继承。
3. 传统传媒的哪些缺点被高速电子传媒弥补了?哪些没能弥补?请举例并简述。
回答: 实效性差被弥补了。
4. 如果没有高速电子传媒,在传统传媒条件下,交流的意义和思想性就不会被阻碍么?
5. 交流的意义和思想性体现在什么地方? 请结合具体事例描述一下。
21 century has seen a great development in science and technology , with which high speed electronic media such as electronic mail and television has take the place of traditional media such as newspaper gradually . Although people get a variety of information through a variety of medias , the effectiveness of meaningful and thoughtful communication does not seem to increase rapidly . In my point of view , electronic media tends to prevent meaningful and thoughful communication under some circumstance . While it provides a mutual communication which leads to meaningful and thoughful communication sometimes .
Electronic media such as television provide only a one-way communication , and people can only absorb the information transmitted by the television passively , which undermines meaningful and thoughful communication . For example , if  I am watching a proffesor giving a lecture on television , I can only accept his ideas and can not respond to him . Electronic media take the place of face to face communication while increasing the efficiency of communication . If I am listening the proffesor in a classroom , I can express my thoughts towards the lecture immediatly , and the professor my be inspired by my thought and changes his mind . In the process , we have a meaningful and thoughtful communication . Obviously , high speed electronic media does not provide a mutual communication , and thereby prevents the meaningful and thoughtful communication .
Communication does not confined to communication between people , we need to communicate with environment and time around us and consider what they can bring us every minutes . For instance , when we read a history novel , we have a communication with history . Through the words , we can imagine what have happened in the past , and understand those vivid historial character . Nevertheless , high speed communication such as movie deteriorate this entertainment . When we watching a film the the theatre , the rapid picture in the movie leaves us no time to cogitate the meaningful background of the story .Instead , in most of the time , we leave the cinema with nothing but a vain brain .
Although under some circumstance , high speed communication does prevent meaningful and thoughtful communication , it can not be ignored that electronic communication are changing and trys to deepen the meaningful and thoughtful communication . On-line chatting , television conversation ,and on-line electronic learning are all the ways newly developed which make it possible for people who are thousands miles away to communicate and have a brain storm together at every minutes . In this way , high speed electronic communication actually fosters people's communication , and thus leads to a meaningful and thoughtful communication .
In sum , whether a communication is meaningful and thoughful does not determined by what media it depends , but lied on the attitudes of the communicators . Whatever media we are using today , only if we have a critical attitude towards all the information and being like to convey our ideas frankly , we can always have a meaningful and thoughful communication.
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