GRE 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:wangxiaoyu
It is always an individual who is the impetus for innovation; the details may be worked out by a team, but true innovation results from the enterprise and unique perception of an individual.
本题讨论创新来源的问题,认为创新的源泉是个人而不是团队,同时也给出了让步——团队可以将创新的细节实际化但核心内容依然是个人做出的(团队在创新过程中存在部分作用)。本题和ISSUE199相似(Truly innovative ideas do not arise from groups of people, but from individuals. When groups try to be creative, the members force each other to compromise and, as a result, creative ideas tend to be weakened and made more conventional. Most original ideas arise from individuals working alone)。在分析的过程中可以根据个人和团队在创新活动中不同的角色以及其作用的必要性展开。同时需要题目给出的关键点:创新的动力、创新的细节、真正的创新、个人冒险精神以及独到见解。
1. 列举出几个你知道的创新事例,这些事例是由哪些人或者哪些团队创造的?如果是团队,那么在创新的过程中团队带头人和团队整体都分别起到了哪些作用?
回答: 迪士尼拍摄第一部2D转3D的动画片《飞屋环球记》
2. 个人和团队各有什么优势,其优势是如何在创新的激发、发展、完善等过程中发挥实力的?
回答: 个人能快速决断。团队能激发更多想法,执行能力比团队强。
3. 一个缺乏具有冒险精神和独到见解的成员的团队能否得到创新成果?为什么?
回答: 不能。每个人都妥协只提出传统观念,不可能得到创新。
4. 激发创新的动力需要哪些必要因素?一个人的冒险精神和独到的见解是如何形成创新的?
回答: 个人独立的思考能力。冒险精神促使一个人挖掘未知的领域形成创新。
In 21 century has seen a rapid development of science and technology , what greatly influences a corporation's profit is the innovation of its products . When developing a new products , individual should come up with the original idea and a group of proffesionals in the field would argue with the idea and take effect actions to realize it . In terms of innovation , I strongly prove the idea that individual is the impetus for innovation; the details may be worked out by a team , but true innovation results from the enterprise and unique perception of an individual .
Innovation is the result from individual because individual has enterprise and unique perception which would help him come up with the original idea . Shakespear is a excellent presentator of such individuals . In his plays , he innovated hundreds of English words which are derived from Latin ,French and Greek to chase a different way of narration . It is his enterprise that leads to his brave behavior to change the conventional expression in English . Asides from his enterprise , he also has an unique perception on English expression which promotes him to innovate new words and use them to narrate a story in a particular way . Shakespears innovation is obviously a triumph .His influence on both English and Britain literature in 17 century is so deep that he is wide known by people who love literature and be considered one of literature master today . Therefore , individual is the true impetus for innovation and they can come up with really original and novel ideas by the irritation of their enterprise and unique perception .
Most original ideas comes from individuals working alone since people are more easier to remain independent and hold on to one's original idea when he is not interrupted by others . When groups try to be creative , members begin to compromise , as a result , no one can claim his original idea and the result of groups can only be a conventional idea . Zhang yimou , a famous Chinese director , once made a lots of outstanding films and impress the audience with his innovative specatator of country in China . In 2009 , he made a film named Three Guns in which he compromises to his creative group and cater to the public taste . This film suffered from negative criticism and the least profit of all Zhang's film . Therefore ,groups sometimes may deteriorate individual's original idea which leads to innovation .
Even though the impetus of innovation is individuals , it can not be ignored that the team plays an significant role in realising the innovative idea . After a innovative idea is confirmed , it should be handed  to a professional group in which people would corporate with each other to confrim the details and take pracial manners to realize it . Disney is one of the most famous animation corporation . When they made the film Monster's electronic company , a proffesional group were organized together to produce the film . Different jobs including drawing sketches , writng scenario and designing the character are distributed to every member of the group so that each details of the film can be confirmed by experts and the quality of the film can be confirmed greatly . The one who come up with the original idea of the story can produce an animation movie by himself and the realization of an innovative idea is determined by the work of a group .
In sum , innovation is a matter which needs not only enterprise but also unique viewpoint . Individual is the true impetus of innovation since they can come up with excellent original ideas by themselves without interrupted by others' thoughts . While we should pay enough attention to groups since the accomplishment of a innovative products depends on every member in the group .
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