GRE 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:wangxiaoyu
Success in any realm of life comes more often from taking chances or risks than from careful and cautious planning.
本题讨论成功偶然性的问题,题目认为相对于周详计划,成功更多来自于运气或冒险。可以结合ISSUE216--Most important discoveries or creations are accidental: it is usually while seeking the answer to one question that we come across the answer to another理解。在分析的过程中,可以从成功的各个要素彼此之间的关系,详细计划对成功的影响,运气和冒险队成功的影响,三者在成功的过程中起到的具体的作用以及不同领域不同情况下的多方面考虑等展开思考。需要注意的是,不应该孤立得去说二者各自的利弊,而是应当将二者放在一起通过对比、类比等方法将差异展现出来,这样才能说明哪个更好。
1. 请列举三个成功的事例并分析在成功过程中涉及到的机遇、冒险与计划。
回答: 比尔盖茨为创建微软公司从哈佛辍学,在当时是一种冒险。
2. 运气和冒险在成功的过程中起到哪些作用?为什么人们会把很多成功的例子和运气冒险相关联?请分析并简述。
回答: 因为冒险才有了成功的机遇。人们可能是喜欢机会主义,喜欢把别人的成功归功于一次偶然的机会。
3. 周详仔细的计划在成功的过程中起到哪些作用?对于哪些领域的工作,周详仔细的计划对成功具有决定性影响?请举例并简述。
回答: 提高成功的几率。需要长期准备的工作。
4. 是否存在做事非常保守,从不冒险的人根据仔细周详的计划而获得成功的事例?如果有,请举出。
We live in a century in which everything happens rapidly and many people have the desire to succeed over a night . There is a assertion that success in any realm of  life comes more often from taking chances or risks than from careful and cautious planning . I aprove with the assertion partly -it can not be ignored that chances and risks play an important role in success , while the same important is careful and cautious planning .
In the case of Bill Gate's success , chances and risks play an necessary role .Without courage to drop out from Harvard , he may not became the richest person in the world now . Apart from his courage , Gate should own much of his success to his careful and cautious planning in work . During the time he left Harvard , he kept learning mathematic and computer knowledges . In addition , he and his friend Paul Ellen would discuss new ideas of future projects and the possibility of starting a business one fine day . After careful preparation and planning, he formed Microsoft -one of the most famous computer technologh company today . Therefore , in Gate's success , both risks and planning playing an indispensable role .
The discovery in science is sometimely caused by accident factors as well . Kakular ,a famous German chemist , once had a dream in which  a snake bite its own tail . The dream inspired Kakular came up with the idea how Carbon atoms  arranged in a benzene which have troubled him for a long time . Kakular attributed his discovery of the structure of benzene to his dream . Nevertheless , without his long time reasearch in chemistry and his insistance , he could not have found the right structure of benzene . Sometimes , people have made effort for a long time , and all they need is a opportunity to express their ideas . When the opportunity comes , they just catch it in time and get succeed . Some times people just see the opportunity which makes their success possible , while the ignored the long period of preparation for the success .
Pure risks and chances can not bring success . A famous fable in China has pointed out this clearly  .It is said that a farmer seen a rabbit hit an tree and died one day . After that he waited beside the tree hoping more rabbits would hit the tree and he can get them without labor . Nevertheless no rabbit has ever hit the tree and the farmer wasted several year with nothing in turn . Without hard effort to prepare and plan for an success , one can not catch the opportunity which can lead to their success and they will never get succeed even they are offered several opportunities in their life .
In conclusion , careful and cautious planning play the same important role as risks in success . People should never overemphasize any of it . The secrect of success is simple :keep making effort and make a specific planning of getting success ,and  when the opportunity comes , just catch it and make your dream come true .
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