GRE 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:wangxiaoyu
The depth of knowledge to be gained from books is richer and broader than what can be learned from direct experience.
1. 你从书本中学到了什么知识?具体描述一两个。
2. 概括一下,书本知识有什么特点?
3. 你有没有从经验中得到的知识?具体描述一两个。
4. 概括一下,经验知识有什么特点?
5. 有深度的知识和有广度的知识有什么特点?这些特点是否和书本(经验)知识的特点有关联?
People usually aborb knowledge from either books or from experience . As a college students , I have been used to be learning knowledge from books for twelve years until I entered college ,where I have to finish works by knowledge from both books and experience .  There is a saying that the depth of knowledge to be gained from books is richer and broader than what can be learned from direct experienc .While I disaprove of this assertion partly. In my opinion knowledge which learned from experience is as the same important as knowledge learned from books . Wiseful man should emphasis on both of them .
The importance of knowledge gained from book should be acknowledged at first .The knowledge in book are the essence of former scholars and by absorbing knowledge of book , we can stand the shoulder of giants that we can see things more widely and deeply . The knowledge of book is the fundamental of a man's thought , only by understanding knowledges from the book deeply , can a man spontaneously learn knowledge from experience . For instance , an engine majored student  who has received college education can learn the practical knowledges in factory and becomes an outstanding engineers .Nevertheless , a factory apprentice who never received fundamental knowledges from books can only becomesa first-class technique person instead a engineers who know both the technique and the knowledge behind it . Therefore , knowledge gained from books is conclusive and it is the base for further knowledges gained from experience .
Although knowledge gained from books is vital and fundamental , the broadness and flexiblity of knowledge gained from exprience can not be ignored . As a student majored in machine and engine , I participated  metalworking practice in sophomore year . During the days spending in facotroy , I knew how to produce a part by lathe and what to notice during the process which I never learned from books in class . Therefore , knowledge gained from experience is a supplement to knowledge gained from books and we can solve problems in reality by them .
We should acknowledge  that a man can never get succeed only absorbing knowledge from books without practical experience , General zhao is an instance for it . Zhao kuo , a General of Zhao , was familiar with military strategies since a very young age . When he grown up and became the General of Zhao , he directed a war between Zhao and Qin in which he use knowledge only from his military books and resulted in a katabasis of Zhao in the end . Therefore , without experience from experience , people can not face the flexibility of the reality and a man who put his mind into books all day can never resolve problems in reality .
In sum , both knowledge gained from books and the one gained from experience play an important role in people's development . Without  books , we became a laboured man ;While without experience , we became a scholar who has no practical value .   
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