TOEFL 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:SY
【IBT机经-19】Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: It is more enjoyable to buy a new technological device when it becomes available than to wait until many people have owned it.
1. 请结合实际简述,科技产品一般指的是什么东西?它的特点一般有哪些?
回答: 电脑、手机等设备。功能强大,一般跟新速度比较快,受年轻人追捧
2. 这些特点和其他产品有什么不同?请结合实际简述。
回答: 其他产品更新速度慢 ,竞争力没有科技产品大
3. 请结合具体事例简述,人们购买科技产品的目的何在?这些目的是否会影响到人们选购的时间,为什么?
回答: 年轻人追求时尚 商务人士更加看重实用性 会影响。一般出新的苹果产品,年轻人追求时尚会第一时间订购 商务人士更看重实用性,功能等 若新增了他们需要使用的功能也会第一时间购买
4. 购买科技产品时应该考虑哪些因素?请结合实际简述。
回答: 价格因素,因为刚上市购买者比较多,价格会炒的比较贵
5. 如果一个人的经济水平有限,那么一味地追求最新的科技设备是否还合适呢?请结合实际简述。
回答: 不合适,应该量力而行。先满足基本生活再追求时尚
    Techological devices,a neccesary part of our daily life ,are increasingly popular due to diverse function available to people.Continuously updating technologies has brought tremendous benefits to us ,especially improving the standard of living.There is much conjecture over whether we are more enjoyable to purchase it when a company launches a new product or to wait until it is prevalent among most people.I believe we should choose a reasonable way of consumption .    It's undenial to say that the new technological device can make our life or work more convenient and efficient.But in fact many young people just persuit fashion rather than consider its pratical use.They often want to make a show among their friends because their immature consumption view has an incorrect influence on their consumption way.For example,computers help young people in various ways.However,with the fast speed of the latest product they usually play computer games instead of aquiring information and studying online.Chatting on the Internet is another way to kill their precious time.Worst of all ,investigations have indicated that more than half of time that young people spent online was exhausted on browsing porn movies,pulp fictions or erotic photos and so on.I think when pkarents decide to buy a new technological device ,they should consider whether their children can make good use of its advanced function.    On the other hand,as we all know that electronic products have a rapid updating speed.It's too expensive to buy them  when they first hit the market.Under this situation,many people make a chioce to wait until price starts to decrease.For example,iphone5 was offered in the mareket,the price of iphone4s had fallen 30%.The same will happen to iphone6.If you can't afford it now ,you'd better keep enough patience for waiting.The same is true with other technological devices.    Admittedly,buying a new product enables us to gain fresh experience.However,we should take many factors into account such as our economic ability and its practicality.Therefore I still hold my opinion that we shouldn't follow a new device blindly.
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