GRE 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:戴帽子的猫
The best way to teach is to praise positive actions and ignore negative ones. [Specific Task Instruction: Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the statement and explain your reasoning for the position you take. In developing and supporting your position, you should consider ways in which the statement might or might not hold true and explain how these considerations shape your position.]
本题改编自老GRE的ISSUE228"The best way to teach -- whether as an educator, employer, or parent -- is to praise positive actions and ignore negative ones"。题目讨论教育方式的问题,认为最好的教育方式是对正面行为的表扬和对负面行为的忽略。本题可以从表扬和忽略两种做法的利弊对比出发,结合教育的需求和目的进行展开。需要注意题目讨论的是“最好的”教育方式,所以在论述表扬和忽视各自利弊的同时,还需要把这个论述目标把握好,同时对于表扬和忽视的对象不要混淆。
1. 请结合具体情况阐述:对学生、孩子以及职员教育的目的分别是什么。
回答: 对学生教育的目的:塑造健全人格,掌握学术知识,培养研究能力,为社会创造人才 对孩子:健康成长,塑造健全人格 职员教育:培养对企业的忠诚,掌握业务相关知识,提高工作效率
2. 学生、孩子以及职员的哪些行为是正面的?对这些行为给予表扬会给他们哪些影响?请描述各种可能的后果。
回答: 学生:提出学习上的问题,帮助别人;表扬会让他们感觉良好,更主动思考,更愿意帮助别人,但也有可能被表扬之后就得意了,然后就不再做同样的事了 孩子:开始好的生活习惯,主动分担家务劳动,帮助他人;表扬会让孩子愿意坚持好的生活习惯:锻炼、按时睡觉;更愿意分担家务,培养自己将来生活的基本能力;更愿意帮助他人,和别人成为朋友 职员:对企业忠诚,上班不迟到,创造高的业绩;表扬会维持其忠诚并且鼓励其他人也这么做,上班迟到率下降,创造更高的业绩;但也有可能被表扬之后就得意了,然后就不再做同样的事了
3. 学生、孩子以及职员的哪些行为是负面负?对这些行为的忽略会给他们哪些影响?请描述各种可能的后果。
回答: 学生:不爱学习,欺负弱小:忽略的话会让他们认识不到学习的重要性,从而浪费掉了学习的时间;忽略欺负弱小可能会使其不改正,将来可能一直这么做甚至犯罪 职员:上班迟到,忽略的话一两次可能职员会改正,并且感激老板的宽容,产生正面影响;但经常忽略可能职员就觉得不会被惩罚而经常迟到,导致企业成体工作效率下降。
4. 持续的只对正面行为进行表扬并忽略所有负面行为会有哪些潜在危险?请举例并简述。
回答: 首先忽略负面的影响该怎么坏还是怎么坏, 但是持续表扬正面并忽略负面,可能正面行为也会有做过头的时候,造成不好的影响。比如帮助别人是好,但是劫富济贫虽然帮助了某些人,但是也伤害了一些人。
5. 如果想要达到最好的学习效率和效果,应当如何搭配对正、负面行为的鼓励和忽视?
回答: 对正面行为理性的鼓励,促使学习者有动力继续学习,并避免产生自满 对严重负面的行为一定要惩罚,明白严重性之后就不会再犯。 而有些小的过失可以在不至于形成坏习惯的范围之内原谅,但是还是得让对方明白他做错了。
6. 与鼓励和忽视相比,还有哪些其他教育手段?这些手段在教育中的应用,相对于鼓励与忽视,会有哪些不同效果?
回答: 以教育者自身为榜样,用自己的行动来影响学员,鼓励他们模仿。相比鼓励和忽视,“老师自己做得到”这件事会更有说服力。
Nowadays, obtaining education becomes an important part in children'sgrowth. Since almost every one has the opportunity to learn and teach, it becomes a controversial topic debated by peopel that what is the best teaching method? Some people believe that the best way is praising positive actions while ignoring the nagative ones. From my perspective, praising the positive actions is necessay, whereas ignoring the negative may result in unfavorable consequences. The factors which support my position are as follow. 
First of all, the reasons why people who teach other ones should praise positive actions are quite obvious. Take family and school education foe example, one of the common goals of the two types of education is shaping sane character for children or students. The children will spend one of the most important stages in family or kindergarten environment, during that period of time, kids will learn how to behave and develop their living habits. If a child washed the dishes some day, and was praised by his/her parents, the kid will acquire a sense of achievement, and is very likely to do more housework after that. This kind of praise is vital in developing children's skills for their future living. For another thing, if a student was praised for asking teacher questions about the content of the class, he/she will probably spend more time on independent thinking. In that sense, favorable outcomes will be brought about if the positive actions is praised. 
While praising serve as catalyst for encouraging children or students to do more positive actions, ignoring the negative ones have the potential to precipitate unfavorable consequences. For instance, the schools serve as small version of society, students learn how to treat other people while acquiring academic knowledge. Some of the students may become bullies because they physically grow faster than other students. If the teachers regard those negative actions as negligible ones, those students probably will continue playing tricks on others. When this kind of behavior corrupted, we will not be able to rule out the possibility that those bullies will become criminals in the future. As for the bussiness education, if the employees late for work and the boss or the manager just ignored this kind of behavior, the employees will not realize the harm of being late, and probably will continue whis behavior, thus undermine the working efficiency of the entire company in the future. Since ignoring the negative actions is capable of resulting in negative consequences, the people who peovide education should avoid ignoring them.
Admittedly praising the positive and punish the negative actions probably sometimes be counterpruductive, as praising helping others will encourage people to be more helpful, but unqualified praising may result the person in unintentionally doing harmful things to some people while helping others. And reprimanding negative actions may cause stress which prevent people for further learning. However the best way of teaching has to be temperate, educators should providently qualify the magnitude of both praising and punishing, in that way, the goal of teaching could be attained.
In conclusion, praising positiveactions has its merits, while ignoring negative has the potential to cause unfavorable consequences, in my opinion, the best way to teach should be moderately praising positive actions and rationally punishing the negative ones.
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