TOEFL 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:SY
【IBT机经-2】Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: If children want to do well in school, parents should limit the hours of watching TV programs or movies.
1. 要想取得好成绩,孩子们自身应该怎么做,家长应该怎么做?那些成绩优异的孩子具备哪些品质?他们的家长都起了哪些积极的影响?请结合实例简述。
回答: 应该充分利用时间学习知识,家长应该起到督促作用。因为孩子自律性比较差,经常花大量时间上网聊天,打游戏,浪费了宝贵的时间
2. 观看电视电影和孩子的学习间有直接联系吗?如果有,对孩子的学习起哪些影响?哪些有利于学习,哪些不利于学习?请结合实例简述。
回答: 有,看电影电视时间过长会减少学习知识的时间,从而导致成绩下降 一些有教育意义的电影电视可以开阔学生视野 而一些泡沫剧 色情电影和犯罪片对他们行为表现带来不利影响
3. 限制了孩子们看电视电影时间,能否帮助孩子们提高成绩呢?有哪些原因会使孩子们学习成绩下降?除了电影电视之外,其他的因素有哪些?请结合实例简述。
回答: 只是影响孩子成绩的一个方面 还有其他的因素,比如多看书
4. 电影和电视的内容都有哪些?哪些是孩子们能看的?哪些是不能看的?请结合实例简述。
回答: 有很多教育的 纪录片,
5. 限制了孩子们观看的时间长度就可以了吗?孩子们观看的内容是否有必要限制?请结合实例简述。
回答: 还要限制内容
    Television and movies ,a necessary part of life,are popular due to various genres available to us .Some people claim that controling time of watching TV and movies will offer childern an excellent performance .But I think the best way to promote their performance lies not in the hours.That depends on the TV programmes the childern are absorbing.     Those who spend their leisure time watching nature programmes ,documentaries and educational programmes,has a broader view of world.TV shows and motives make it possible for a student to broaden his knowledge base because much useful information can't be aquired from class .It's also a good tool to help students discover where their interests lies.For example ,if a student sees a documentary on space exploration,he might develop a passion for it and continue studying it in later life.A show that person watched when he was a child could possibly have been a catalyst for choosing a job .    It can be seen how certain programmes are exercising bad influence on our younth generation.One the one hand ,most cartoons and soap operas offer no useful information and kill us considerable precise time.The main disadvantage of this is that it can reduce the learning efficiency and enthusiasm.Worst of all,excessive and pornographic contents do harm to their physical and mental health.because they are too young to lack self-dicipline and judgement .They are more easier to intimate some behevior which demonstrate in the movies or programmes.For example,they may may think smoking extremely cool.But in fact,somking is an unwholesome hobby.Studies reveal that there is a definite link between smoking and serious diseases such as lung cancer.    Admittedly ,to limit the hours of watching TV and movies is also a means because they become more focused on their study.However,there are other factors should be taken into account ,such as individual efforts,parents' encouragement and patience ,educational environment ,etc.If a student with little interests of learning spends few hours on watching TV,he can't get good marks.Therefore,I still hold my point that students can benefit from educational programmes.Conversely ,some wrong TV shows and movies can be dangerous .Young people should keep away form them .
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