TOEFL 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:aimee.q
Some people believe that success in life comes from taking risks or chances. Others believe that success results from careful planning. In your opinion, what does success come from? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.
1. 你有成功的经验吗?你觉得你的成功归功于什么?
回答: 有计划,有目标; 坚持不懈,不放弃;
2. 你觉得成功需要冒险和机会吗?举个例子。
回答: 需要。也许从现有判断可能成功性不大,但努力去做,说不定就有收获。 科学家做创新性实验。
3. 细心的准备对成功有何作用?比如?
回答: 分割目标为小部分,更容易办到; 有效利用时间;
4. 你认为还有哪些因素有益于成功?
回答: 目标明确;动力十足。 自信,不放弃; hard-working
What are the most important elements for success in life? Some people think that successes come from taking risks, and others opposite it by citing that plans is crucial for the success. From my own prespective, the definite goal, the perseverance for the goal, and the courage for innovation are the most considerable points to the success.

To start with, a definite goal is indispensable for the pursuing process to success. Fisrtly, without a clear aim, people have no orientation about how to start learning and working. On the contrary, as long as people have them own particular goals, they could know the shortcomings, and to practice and gain progress. Secondly, people can make a considerate plan to achieve a clear goal, devide it to several parts which are attractive and attainable. These will help people to make their dreams come true more smoothly. Therefore, a particular goal is the first step for people to pursue their dreams.

Moreover, when people meet obstacles during the process, they must show their perseverance to overcome the difficulties. It means people must have stong will to stick to the goal with stong motives and interest. For instance, my uncle keeps on studying and hard-working and finally becomes a architect, nomatter the parents object to his dream, hoping him to be a doctor to make more money. Additional, the perseverance means not only the stong will, but also the confidence that people believe in themselves. The more people complete parts of them goals, the more confidence they will gain for next steps. Undoutedly, stong motives, interests, and confidence are key points for peole to persevere with tryments.

Finally, to surpass the formers or themselves, people must have courage to innovate something new, or keep creative. In other words, innovations need people to grasp immediate opportunities coming once or never, to take risks. For example, researchers in a certain field, who wish to create new metirials for ships or airplanes for certain function, have to do plenty of trials to achieve the result they want, even nothing. The process of trying is the symbol of courage for innovation and self-surpass.

In conclusion, under various circumstances, people always should have definite aims to pursue, step by step efficiently. And perseveracen bridging over difficulties, and courage for surpass the formers, are also signigicant elements for the achievement.
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