TOEFL 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:光南之南
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? There is nothing that young people can teach older people. Use specific reasons and examples to support your position.
1. 你有没有教过你父母一些事理呢?描述一个具体的事例。
回答: 有,父母从小就告诉我在吃饭之前要洗手,据科学家研究表明,活动于人类手上的细菌是洗手之后的N倍,如果不洗手就吃饭,细菌很有可能跟随食物进入体内,导致我生病。
2. 比你年长的人(例如你的父母)和你相比优势在什么地方?详细说明一点、
回答: 我的父母和我相比有很多优势,其中之一就是经历的事情比我多。有一次在公园散步,母亲看到地上的蚂蚁大规模出动,再一看天色就急忙拉着我回家,结果刚一到家就下起了大雨,妈妈说她原来观察过所以知道蚂蚁搬家意味着有大雨来到。
3. 和比你年长的人相比,你的优势是什么?
回答: 和比我年长的人相比,我的优势在于我能接受新兴事物。不论是电脑手机或是潮流音乐及文化,我都能带着一颗好奇心去学习去观看,而年长的人们总是过于保守,缺乏好奇心和耐心。
Teachers pass on their knowledge to students in the school, while parents teach children how to deal with the problems that appear in daily life. The elders,I think, always act as a teacher in young people's life. Although the more longer they live, the wiledr they know, I still considerably agree the idea that young people can be the elder's teachers in some aspects.
Young people, who are more active in many things (including the higher speed of culculating, the wilder range of thinking, etc), will make a faster reflection than the elder, so that the ease with which the young deal with is, indeed, extraordinary. For example, while the young have solved it, maybe the elder have just finished the reading part, when they are facing a math question.
And young people have so stronger bodies that they can do what the elder are not able to do by themselves, in other words, the yong acquire new experience from the adventures when the elder are in the sofa to have dreams. For example, many young people are aware of their strong body and tenacity, so they tremendously put their heart into exploration. It appears in their sight that the most beautiful cloud in the dangerous cliff, the brightest stars in the dark sky, and as the result of it, the young have a large amount of experience to share with others includes the elder.
What's more, it's not significantly difficult for yong man to accept a new thing like iPad. What can be observed everywhere is that a child teach their parents to use computer to type through hand by hand. What can we infer from this case is easy to say: the young can adapt a new thing quickly, which is not enormously easy for elder to use fluently.
So, is it to say we could not listen to the elder's guidance? Of course not. In many circusmstance, like the song of JAY CHOU singing"listen to the mom's teaching", we should take the instruction carefully given by your elders, who have more experience in every aspects expect the adventrous. But it shoudn't be dinied that, while the elder teach the young how to live in this complex society, the elder can gain some knowledge from the young that they have never acquired.
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