GRE 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:刘天阮
[Claim] Imagination is a more valuable asset than experience. [Reason] People who lack experience are free to imagine what is possible without the constraints of established habits and attitudes. [Specific Task Instruction: Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the claim and the reason on which that claim is based.]
[观点] 有时候想象力比经验更有价值。 [理由] 缺少经验的人可以自由地想象,不会受固有习惯和观念的束缚。 [说明] 写一篇文章,讨论你同意或反对这个观点,以及支持观点的理由达到怎样的程度。
本题改编自老GRE的ISSUE164"Sometimes imagination is a more valuable asset than experience. People who lack experience are free to imagine what is possible and thus can approach a task without constraints of established habits and attitudes"。想象力和经验是完成任务必不可缺的两方面,在完成任务的过程中相互作用,在不同的情况和需求上会有主次之分。本题讨论的是二者谁更有价值,并且给出了“缺少经验可以不受束缚”的理由,属于比较型话题,如上所说,可以根据不同场景进行对比分析。分析的时候需要注意一点:“固有习惯和观念的束缚”只是在某些情况下“经验”的表现。
1. 在学术和专业领域想象力和经验各是什么角色?试分析一两个以下学术领域中的情况:历史、语言、文学、表演、哲学、宗教、人类学、建筑学、经济学、地理、政治、心理学、社会学、空间科学、生命科学、化学、物理、电脑科学、逻辑、数学、统计、农业、经济、教育、工程、环境、法律、军事、传媒
回答: 在物理化学等领域里成功的经验和失败的经验能帮助我们获得更大的成功,总结吸取之前的一些经验规律的结果,避免的重复经历过的事情,一些既得的经验规律可以拿来借鉴和利用,不必自己重新探索和发现,节省了时间和成本,是通向成功的一条捷径。想象力也会给这些领域带来奇特的作用,当遇到一些问题,使用已有的知识经验难以解决时,通过想象,冲破以前经验知识的束缚,不受其他思维的影响,按照自己的想法来思考问题,可能会找到新的更加适合的办法,提供一个新的思路来解决这些难题。
2. 如果只有知识而没有想象力会有什么后果?如果仅仅有想象力却不具备知识又会怎样?想象力与经验之间存在着什么关系?
回答: 只有知识而没有想象力,会导致只能照搬以前的知识和经验,很难产生新的事物,仅仅束缚在以前的知识结构内,而不能跳出这些知识结构思考问题,具有很大的局限性。如果仅有想象力,不具备知识,就会产生当有新的想法产生时,会怀疑这个想法能否成立和实现,在没有该领域的理论知识作为背景的基础上,很难实现新方法和思维。会感觉心有余而力不足
3. 完成任务时,什么情况更需要想象力,什么情况下更需要经验?请结合具体事例简述。
回答: 完成任务时,当遇到靠现有的知识方法无法解决问题时,需要想象力的支撑,来提供新的思路和方法。当问题需要借鉴已有的知识经验来解决时,这就需要经验的帮助。苯的分子结构模型的发现时通过凯库勒打瞌睡时,在脑海里想象得到的启发。在改进机器的过程中需要该领域的知识作为基础,才能实现它的改进,如瓦特改进了蒸汽机,从而闻名于世。
4. 固有习惯和观念在完成任务的过程中的负作用表现在哪些方面?请结合具体事例简述。
回答: 会产生思维定势,被先前的知识结构的影响,思维受到束缚,无法拓展开来,不能想出最合理的办法来解决。改革开放前,在计划经济体制的影响下,中国的经济模式都局限于计划经济,人们的思维都受到这个观念的限制,而后来小岗村实行的包产到户的政策,给村民带来的经济上的发展,才被人们认识到管他黑猫白猫,能抓老鼠的就是好猫的观念。
5. 通过什么结果或者标准可以去判断“想象力”、“经验”在完成任务的时候的价值?
回答: 通过能否在最快的时间内有效地解决和完成任务,而不会带来其他不好的影响的结果来作为标准。
Depending on personal experience, some people hold the statement that Imagination is a more valuable asset than experience. While the others do not agree with them. From my point of view,  the two factors, imagination and experience are both significant with my reasons.First of all, the experience accelerate the successes for us through their functions. Since the experience are often useful to solve problems, providing us previously found methods to choose. The experience are capable for us to save time, choosing the nearest way to success. It is no neccessary for us to discover the former methods of the questions which inhibit us to reach success. For example, the greatest scientist Newton discovered the gravity law by  brorrowing the thoughts from Galieo, and reached the peak of physics. If we imagin that a person only has impressive imagination, but has no basic knowledge and experience. Despite his mind filled with many special idea, he may be suspect about his thoughts without doing any things to realize them. Since he has no experience, then has no ability to make the his minds come true, and generally begins to deny his ideas. So we can see the importance of experience.Secondly, the imagination is also playing a key role in our life. For people can not deal with the problems by the owned experience, thus it may rely on our imagination to illustrate its power. Imagination make it possible to drop out of the existing knowledge and experience, often bringing some new way of other directions, which are suitable to the questions. The discovery of the structure of  chemical material benzen by chemisty kekule from his dream due to his imagination. If a person do not have imagination, they think question only through existing experience and knowledge, going to a wrong way, and is still not possible to find the exit. Therefore, imagination are also vital in our life.
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