GRE 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:刘天阮
Laws should be flexible enough to take account of various circumstances, times, and places. [Specific Task Instruction: Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the statement and explain your reasoning for the position you take. In developing and supporting your position, you should consider ways in which the statement might or might not hold true and explain how these considerations shape your position.]
本题改编自老GRE的ISSUE174"Laws should not be rigid or fixed. Instead, they should be flexible enough to take account of various circumstances, times, and places"。题目讨论法律灵活性的问题。法律的制定以及执行过程中面对不同需要(稳定、全面、可行性等)以及各种新的情况。过分固定或灵活都是不实际的,所以肯定需要寻找一个平衡点。因为涉及的是比较抽象的话题,所以在论述过程中务必把论点阐述清晰并给出充足论证,回避假大空的问题。同时需要注意题目给出的“不同环境、时间和地点”的提示,要把思路放开。
1. 法律在制定和通过的实施过程是怎样的,除了法律本身,在执法过程中还有哪些相关因素?
回答: 法律在制定过程中需要经过立法机关讨论研究制定出符合某部分人利益的条例,通过法律执行机关,按照法律规定的内容严格执行。执法过程中还可能考虑到不同的环境下的因素,进行判断,违反者的动机等等。
2. 现有的法律是否能兼顾不同的环境、时间、地点?如果不能,漏洞在哪里?是否有其他方式可以对法律的漏洞进行弥补?
回答: 不能,同样的法律内容可能在不同的环境下不一定都适用,可以通过普通民众的判断,来裁决罪犯的最终的判罚,像美国的法律制度,采用陪审团制度参与到法律判决中来。
3. 如果法律僵化固定一成不变,会有什么后果?有没有过相关的事例?
回答: 会带来适应不同的时代环境,是法律不能向前进步,更是阻碍社会的发展,美国早期出台的《排华法案》如果一直不变,就会对在美的华人造成永久的迫害,而得不到平等的对待。正因为法律不是固定的,才会有废除《排华法案》的那一天,还给华人平等和自由的权利。更好的创造社会价值和财富,为社会做出贡献。
4. 如果法律十分灵活,和原有的状态相比有什么优缺点?
回答: 法律的威严就会消失殆尽,人们不会对法律如此敬畏,会造成一些破坏分子蔑视法律的存在,做一些危害人类社会的不良行为,而逍遥法外。法律太过灵活,会使一部分罪犯不能被绳之以法,他们通过法律的漏洞及灵活性,来篡改法律,来逃脱法律的追究。法律就失去了其原本被制定出来的目的。
5. 颁布法律的目的是什么?
回答: 颁布法律的目的是为了规范人们的行为,惩治罪犯的违法行为,是社会更加和谐稳定,能更快更好的发展,维护社会的公平和正义。
There is a widely accepted statement that Laws should be flexible enough to take account of various circumstances, times, and places. Some one agree on it, while the other do not support it. From my point of view, I suggest laws need to be appropriate flexible to take account of various circumstaces, times, and places with my reasons as follows.First of all, laws are not capable to suit all the cirumstances, since laws are the production of that centry, which may not be suitable to later society. There are so many various circumstances that the laws are not able to contain all of them.Then, somethime laws will not play a right role in some cases, which will destroy the positive people's interest. Or sometimes laws produced impede the development of the society and not benfecial to people, so it is neccessary to adonish the laws to offer a right one to replace them. CHinese exlusive act is a prime instance of this. In the early time, the USA passed a Act to limit the rights of Chinese people in America, which serious influences the freedom and rights of Chinese in USA. After some years, the Americans gave up this Act, returned the rights and freedome back to Chinese people due to flexibility of laws. The history are full of this kinds of examples to confirm the importance of the flexibility of laws.Secondy, laws keeping too flexible inhibit carrying out them. Since laws are so easy to change may result in little respect of people to laws, which means losing the function of laws. The bad man will do wrongdoing without any care and frightem to laws. And some people may try to modify the laws after doing bad things with no purnishiment. Thus, the stateliness of laws are lost amoug people, which have no use to purnish the bad man. The role of laws to make the society stable are not existing. Therefore, the flexiblity of law can not be no limit. 
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