GRE 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:邓馨
Formal education tends to restrain our minds and spirits rather than set them free. [Specific Task Instruction: Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the statement and explain your reasoning for the position you take. In developing and supporting your position, you should consider ways in which the statement might or might not hold true and explain how these considerations shape your position.]
本题讨论教育对人们思想的影响,题目认为虽然教育原本是要解放思想,但实际上却把思想和精神束缚了。此题改编于老GRE的ISSUE128 "It is often asserted that the purpose of education is to free the mind and the spirit. In reality, however, formal education tends to restrain our minds and spirits rather than set them free"和老GRE的ISSUE104 "It is primarily through formal education that a culture tries to perpetuate the ideas it favors and discredit the ideas it fears"可以相互借鉴。分析前首先要了解formal education的内容,其包括以下五部分:formal education包括:primary education、secondary education、higher education、adult education、alternative education、indigenous education。在分析的过程中,可以从人们对解放思想和精神的需求、教育设置的目的、正式教育的具体形式、正式教育对人们的正负面影响、解放或束缚思想和精神的具体行为等方面展开思考。
1. 请列举几个国家(例如:中国、美国)的教育制度以及内容,并对比这些制度的设置目的、具体方式、对学生思想和精神的影响以及效果。
回答: 中国:从小学、初中、高中都是填鸭式教育,巨大的升学压力使得学生只能被动的接受老师所授,只有在考上大学后才有一定的自由发展自己的兴趣爱好,展现自我。 美国:培养学生独立思考能力,相对自由
2. 教育的目的是否是“解放思想和精神”,解放思想和精神对于学生、社会、国际以及教育本身的发展有哪些正负面影响?请举例并简述。
回答: 不是。教育的目的是引导学生找到适合自己的发展方向,并传授学生知识使得学生在此方向上发展,并树立学生正确的道德观和价值观念。 正:使学生自由思考和想象,不会限制学生的想象力,使学生更具有创新精神。 负:泯灭了学生的创造力,使得各领域处于死气沉沉的状态。
3. 现实情况下,正式教育培养学生的目的有哪些?给学生传递了哪些信息?这些信息对学生会产生哪些作用?请举例并简述。
回答: 使学生获得知识,成为能适应社会的人。知识、与人相处之道等。正确引导学生发展,使得学生在发展少走弯路,但也会导致其缺乏创造力。
4. 教育中的哪些内容会起到解放思想和精神的作用,哪些内容会束缚思想和精神?请举例并简述。
回答: 一些鼓励学生创造性的课程,比如通过丰富的实验来激发学生的想象力和创造力,以及老师在课堂上的引导;一些传统课程,如历史等,只需要一味的让学生记住历史,以及地理等需要大多数背诵的东西
When discussing the effect of formal education,people's opinions are various.Some argue that formal education restrain students' mind and spirit while others believe that it is beneficial to set our mind free.Personally,I do not agree with the view that formal education limits students' emotion and thought.
Generally,educational system in a country combines of four parts:elementary school,secondary school,high school and university as well as further education.Why does the government arrange it in such order,and almost all nations all over the world are the same?I think there are scientific reasons in it.
In elementary schools,pupils learn how to write,communicate,sing and run.All of these are basic knowledge,or living skills in our daily lives.Also,teachers form approriate values and moral standard in our mind by telling us whether our behavior is right.It is repoted that thirty percentage of number of criminals lack the education in elementary because they have not form a basic values and accept insufficient knowledge of laws.
In secondary schools and high schools,we start to get into abstruse courses such as physics and chemistry.Our courses become harder and we gradually find that there are some courses we are good at while there are also certain courses we are weak in. According to this,we start to consider what we should learn and work in the future.Maybe all of us are enthusiastic in becoming scientists,teachers or astronauts.However,in such period,we come to realise that I am not so good at science so I'd better be a writer or peot,or I am not so patient so I'm not suitable to become a teacher.
After carefully consideration,we finally decide our major and  step into an university that we have been looking forward to.In university,we start to face a great variety of courses,labs,books and activities.We can develop our abilities of thinking independently because there are a large amount of professionors and tutors guide us,and there are inexhaustible resourses we can use.However,during such time,we cannot choose to depend on teachers like before.All we can rely on is ourselves and professors only served as guiders.We are free here and take advantages of all resourse we can use to develop our innovation and abilities.
However,we cannot deny that sometimes,formal education indeed place limitation on students' mind and spirit.For example,in China,because of the large number of students,they face huge pressure of examination because it is the only standard to decide whether they can get a higher education.Consequently,students have to just recite and accept what teachers teach mechanically.Under such education,students in China develop excellent skills of memorise and calculation.In constrast,their abilities of thinking independly and critically are weaken.
All in all,formal education has its advantages of cultivating students' innovation and originality,at the same time ,it provides students with right moral values and responsibilities.
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