TOEFL 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:hemingxin
Is it more important to be able to work with a group of people on a team or to work independently? Use reasons and specific examples to support your answer.
1. 团队工作时需要员工具备哪些特质?
回答: 容易交流,具有合作精神。不自私,希望与他人共享。真诚,责任心。
2. 根据这些特质,你觉得什么样的工作适合团队合作?
回答: 基础科学研究,大型的公司或者企业。因为这些工作一般都很复杂,要经过很多个步骤,而且学科往往是跨学科,跨地域的。一个人往往不能完成所有的工作,需要与他们合作。
3. 团队合作有什么弊端?
回答: 如果一个人想长时间、深层次思考的话,他可能被其他组员的交流所打断。如果没有很好的自我控制的能力,他很容易被别人所干扰。有的人可能浑水摸鱼。而且,队员之间需要相互磨合。
4. 独立完成工作需要员工具备怎么样的素质?
回答: 耐心,能够忍受寂寞。勤劳。
5. 在什么情况下适合单个人去完成工作任务?
回答: 需要经过足够深入的思考而完成的工作,比如写作。写作往往是作家对现实生活经过了足够深入的了解的之后,然后根据现实基础所产生的灵感一气呵成。如果被打断了,他的灵感可能就没有了。
6. 独立工作有什么不好的地方?
回答: 独立工作的人可能会陷入到这样的境地,他们可能不知道哪些信息应该去关注,哪些应该忽视。如果这样的,独立工作与其说有益处不如说是有害的。
Is it more important to be able to work with a group of people on a team or to work independently? Nowadays, this issue is concerned to a point where a wild discussion has been aroused. Some people argue that working with a group is important than doing jobs alone because we could share ideas from which we can largely benefit. However, other people maintain that we should work independently which could make us increasingly creative and deep-thinking.Form my perspective, I strongly hold the opinion that it is more important to be able to work with a group than do independently. The reasons go as follows.
The importance of working with groups can never be exaggerated. My friend, Lee, presents a interesting case for this. As a chemical student, he is told to finish a job which needed expertise in both chemistry and economics. At first, he had no idea about how to accomplish the demanding job. However, Lee asked other students who had a better understanding of economics for help. They worked in a group sharing opinions to each other and then Lee finished the job, with the desired end result. Obviously, it is working with other people that made lee's work easier.
In addition, working with group could not only make jobs easier but also let students have an increasing number of opportunities to examine themselves. Nowadays, our society is a world of information, some of which is so discouraging that it may resist students further development, if a student do not know what message he should pay attention to, and what he should ignore. Thus, students should always talk to other students to guarantee the information would not have bad impact on their future life.
Nevertheless, some minor advantages of working independently is also apparent. In some fields, people must work alone to have a deeper understanding of their topics. Authors are prime examples. Authors always come across some outstanding thoughts after they have observe particular phenomenon deeply which is a so consuming possess that it could not disrupted by others. Therefore, authors should no doubt work independently.
From what has discussed above, I highly recommend that it is more important to work with a group than do independently. Working with groups could make things increasing easier and could offer a good opportunity to examine us thoroughly. Considerable attention should be paid to working with groups.
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