TOEFL 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:孙熙领
It is better for children to grow up in the countryside than in a big city. Do you agree or disagree? Use specific reasons and examples to develop your essay.
1. 你小时候是在哪儿长大的?小乡村还是大城市?有什么让你印象深刻的事情?
回答: 是在小乡村吧。县城非常小,一起上学的孩子从小到大几乎都认识。老师的水平不好,有水平的老师都到工资高的地方去了。学生很少有课外活动,有时候一周一节的体育课也会被占用。
2. 你身边有人跟你生长环境不一样的吗?你觉得他们跟与你有什么不同?
回答: 有,那些大城市的孩子。普通话很标准,家庭条件一般的不会太差,会弹吉他,到处旅游。
3. 如果让你从小在另一种环境下生活,你觉得会有什么改变?
回答: 可能从小的想法就不一样了吧。一开始感觉能考上大学就很不错了,然后感觉毕业了回家工作也不错。一点一点开始改变吧。
It is no wonder that a clear division is usually made between growth in the countryside and growth in a big city. The division comes in a variety of aspects, ranging from education to economy and spare time. Though there are defects in growth in a big city, I believe that it is better for children to grow up in a big city than in the countryside.
First of all, children can possess a better education in a big city than in the countryside. This is the most important point. A big city usually has a rich education resource. For example, there is a huge surplus of teachers who have a profuse teaching experience and professional teaching techniques. To the contrary, school in the countryside often has the problem of lacking of teachers. Therefore, children can have better teachers in a big city than in the countryside. Additionally, schools in a big city usually have a better facilities and they also have enough money to update their facilities. Thus children can possess a better education in a big city than in the countryside.
Moreover, children can have more choices in a big city than in the country side. For example, children in a big city can choose to study music or dance. They also can choose to be a professional football player because of the economy condition in their home and kinds of professional teachers or coaches. However, children in the countryside do not have so many choices because of the economy condition and professional teachers. Even if they choose to learn something else by themselves, they have little chance to success.
Finally, although many defects such as too dependence can derive from the big city environment, they can be overcame if children's parents pay attentions to their children. For example, parents can ask children to finish study or job by themselves to culture independence. Parents can also let children live by themselves to culture the ability to earn money. So, defects which come from the big city environment can be overcame.
All in all, I believe that it is better for children to grow up in a big city than in the countryside.
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