GRE 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:britlovefan
Scandals are useful because they focus our attention on problems in ways that no speaker or reformer ever could. [Specific Task Instruction: Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the claim. In developing and supporting your position, be sure to address the most compelling reasons and/or examples that could be used to challenge your position.]
本题改编自老GRE的ISSUE185"Scandals -- whether in politics, academia, or other areas -- can be useful. They focus our attention on problems in ways that no speaker or reformer ever could"。题目讨论丑闻的作用,题目认为丑闻具有可以将人们的注意力集中在关键问题的正面作用,同时还将丑闻和演讲家、改革家做了对比。在分析的过程中,可以从丑闻对人们注意力的影响,人们关注丑闻之后注意力集中在什么问题上、在集中公众注意力的过程中演讲家和改革家的做法与丑闻的差异、丑闻在不同情况下对有着不同需要的人们的影响利弊等方面展开思考。需要注意: 1、丑闻不仅限于政治、学术,其他领域例如体育、文艺同样可以考虑; 2、在论述的过程中虽然可以给出其他方式,但不能无视题目给出的关键内容(丑闻集中大家的注意力于某问题上)而岔开话题自说自话; 3、题目中存在一个对比关系——丑闻和演讲家、改革家的对比,在论述的过程中不要忽视后者,同时注意不应孤立得去说二者各自的利弊,而是应当将二者放在一起通过对比、类比等方法将差异展现出来,这样才能说明哪个更好。
1. 请列举几个丑闻,并简述它们是怎样吸引人们的注意力,以及人们对丑闻引发的问题是如何对待或处理的?
回答: Paris hilton, Tiger Woods,Britney Spears. unusual and explosive effect. In china, HanHan's plagirarism
2. 在吸引人们注意的时候,演讲与制造或曝光丑闻两种做法之间有什么差别?同演讲相比,丑闻更吸引人们注意力的原因是什么?请举例并简述。
回答: The speech is telling people what is right but mostly the contents are not as riveting as the scandalism, it's too normal and thus cannot attract people's attention
3. 请举例并分析,是否有演讲者或者改革家曾经试图提出某些问题但是没能引起公众的注意,而这些问题因为某丑闻的出现而被人们关注。
回答: In china. leaders are always spreading the idea of punishing corruption. but once the sex scandal of Leizhengfu,a leader in Sichuan province, comes into peopls's discussion topic on Twitter. all of a sudden people's attention becomes a pressure for the governments to take actions to the scandal, public attentions is unbelievable powerful
4. 丑闻在将人们的注意力吸引到某问题的同时,对人们看待问题以及问题本身会产生哪些直接或间接的负作用?请举例并简述。
回答: It may distort the fact. Because reporters may use people's attention to make profits, Britney is an
        Scandals, the tabloid's favorites,never seem to disappear out of our sights. Does people really care about what the scandals are really about? Probably not, scandals are more like magnetic fields than normal reports. They always cause a sensation which by usual means cannot attain  so that they are useful in many aspects.In my opinion, scandals are useful because they focused people's attention on problems unachieved by speaker or reformer.        Without scandals, much corruptions may not caught people's attention and therefore facts would not be revealed and corruptions would be rampant. In china, a recent sex scandal has been unveiled. Lei Zheng Fu,a local leader, is involved in abusing power over sex and a hidden sex tape has been spread on the internet. Thanks to the sex tape and several photographs taken secrectly by some unknown institutions, the news spread quickly and, unsurprisingly, the case immediately shown on court and the criminal soon be put into prison. Assuming nobody ever taken the photo or shot the video, then seldom people would ever knew about the whole process. Obviously, no harm and justice would do Lei if the governments did not suffer from the pressure of online-gossiping. It was because the attention that the whole thing is effective.         Behind the tabloid's power is the improvement of communications method-- Twitter, Facebooks.. These are the truly matters subject that made scandals possible to get around. The lemonade girl is punished by the policemen on the street. A dull and uneventful story as it is, can be made into a piece of big news if someone took a picture of the poor girl being chid(?) by the officer and put it on Twitter. The final result is the press urged the officer to apologize to the lemonade girl. This true story itself is bearly an scandal, but by certain quotations and media effect, the abusing lemonade girl story can be a scandal and the power of scandal in return is unneglectable. Public attention is a fatals trike on the news itself,the effect which cannot be gained through normal reports.         Why do scandals are so popular and undead for ages? The Marilyn Monroe's mysterious death case has passed for almost 100 years yet people just can't stop investigating into every dirty details of the scandles. People's nature decide for the great passion for scandals. Girls like to gossip, Boys like to watch. Only scandals can provide both the scarcissim and jocular material needed to be gossiped about and sight strike for men to watch. After all, it's the popularity that rivet people's attention.                 But sometimes the scandals can cause unecessary problems. The stress, in order to attrac people's attention and yearning for high click times, may deliberately false the fact to distort the image. The false news is hard to distinguish and will possibily brings great loss to the firm or artists who inncocently involved in the fake scandals. Michale Jackson is a great tragety, the truth of the child abuse is cleared up until his death, which is unfair. And the recent news that ice cubes in KFC is not as sanitary even as the toilet water, though later claimed to be false, still decrease the company's profits.                     Scandals, on the bright side, can rivet attention to the problem. Scandals can be very effected if taken seriously. But we should watch over the" scandal abuse" which may hurt some innocent people
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