TOEFL 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:Veronica
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? People should read only those books that are about real events, real people, and established facts. Use specific reasons and details to support your opinion.
1. 你平时都看什么类型的书?书中的内容都是真人真事吗?描述一个具体的情况。
回答: 小说,不是。 傲慢与偏见
2. 你觉得只描写真人真事的文学作品带给你什么样的影响?描述一个具体的事例。
回答: 了解历史,吸取教训。 武则天,女皇生涯,做人不能太绝。
3. 你会看架空、虚拟的书籍吗?你看了这本书有什么收获?描述你看过的一本书。
回答: 看 放松心情
4. 不描写真人真事的书籍中的虚构成分,是天马行空的幻想,还是根植于现实生活的再创作?说明一个具体的事例。
    It has no doubt that we all live in a real society,so some people argue that we should only read books concerned real characters ,events or facts.I disagree because books not directly depicting real life do good to us people.    Books which don't describle real stuff can offer us experience and contemplatation.Novels reflect real life by witing about similar story and people,which cause us to contrast them to our true experience and get useful suggestion. In "THE PRIDE AND PREJUDICE" ,Elizabeth had negative judgement on Darcy just from the first meet.We can learn that we should have visionary thought and overall abilty to make the right conclusion, instead of  hurrying to push it.    These books about invented things bring us relaxation.They allowd us to eascape from our daily promblems and tiredness.For instance,the Harry Potter lead everyone to a magical and mysterious world,where readers get an access to a unpredictable adventure with the main character Harry.This would make people easy to forget their troubles in real lives and experience passion and relaxation in the magical world.    A great amout of income could be achieved by wrights and presses,which ascend tax contributed to civilians.A recent survey has been released by the financial department of the Chinese government, polling the tax source in the last decade.Statistics show that about 10% of tax come from book-selling, in which novels occupy the majority.Every year, thousands of  millions of money get into the goverment's account so that it can utilize the money to reinforce facilities that are beneficial to public.    Admittedly, only books about real things can reflect real life directly. But if we kept an insightful brain, we could obtain what we have been looking forward to from every kinds of books anyway.    In a conclusion, I disagree with the statement because books not about real stuff can also make great contribution to people.
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