GRE 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:邓馨
Laws should be flexible enough to take account of various circumstances, times, and places. [Specific Task Instruction: Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the statement and explain your reasoning for the position you take. In developing and supporting your position, you should consider ways in which the statement might or might not hold true and explain how these considerations shape your position.]
本题改编自老GRE的ISSUE174"Laws should not be rigid or fixed. Instead, they should be flexible enough to take account of various circumstances, times, and places"。题目讨论法律灵活性的问题。法律的制定以及执行过程中面对不同需要(稳定、全面、可行性等)以及各种新的情况。过分固定或灵活都是不实际的,所以肯定需要寻找一个平衡点。因为涉及的是比较抽象的话题,所以在论述过程中务必把论点阐述清晰并给出充足论证,回避假大空的问题。同时需要注意题目给出的“不同环境、时间和地点”的提示,要把思路放开。
1. 法律在制定和通过的实施过程是怎样的,除了法律本身,在执法过程中还有哪些相关因素?
回答: 通过专门的立法机构研究、讨论并投票通过;特定的环境
2. 现有的法律是否能兼顾不同的环境、时间、地点?如果不能,漏洞在哪里?是否有其他方式可以对法律的漏洞进行弥补?
回答: 基本可以,但仍会有漏洞,因此法律总是在不断修订
3. 如果法律僵化固定一成不变,会有什么后果?有没有过相关的事例?
回答: 有的人会想办法钻法律的漏洞,而有的人则被冤枉
4. 如果法律十分灵活,和原有的状态相比有什么优缺点?
回答: 能照顾到更多的范围,但是公平性则相对减少
5. 颁布法律的目的是什么?
回答: 保障公民的权利,使公民履行自己应尽的义务,惩罚违法的人
Laws should be flexible enough to take account of various circumstances, times, and places.
Should laws be rigid or flexible?Facing such question,which accounts for the conditions nationwide,the legislature must synthesis all terms in order to assure every citizens' rights.Thus,neither should laws be too rigid nor too flexible,that is to say,under conditions that laws maintain consistency and stability,they should be modified in special situation.
The reasons why laws should be kept stable and consistent are as follows.Firstly,there is a saying all over the world that everyone is equal facing laws,by which I mean that there is no exception in eyes of laws.Even prince should be punish if he violates the law.Because one owns more previlege will definately impairs others legal rights,if that happens,laws will lose its meaning of protecting its residents' legal freedom and rights.
Also,another function of laws is to assure that each citizen fulfill his or her responsibilities.Every has his roles in a stable society and his obligations.If laws are too flexible to keep rigid,then people will seek to various methods to escape their duties.Nowadays,because people over adore to celebraties,many the famous take advantages of their fans love to escape their obligations.Consequently,citizens feel unfair and lose trust in laws.
However,if laws are too rigid,then it will become crucial measures to certain people.In many large countries such as China and America,there are great numbers of people and different ethnics,each ethnic has its own culture and customs.For example,in some minorities in China,since they own unique conventions,they own their special laws.To respect their tradition,laws should be modified in some extent.For instance,Islamite consider pigs as inviolable animals so they donot allow eating pork.So,people who knows their customs but violate them purposely should be punished by laws.
What's more,laws are modified periodly due to different areas and situation,which reflects its flexiation.In America,there is mix-curtural nationalities and various conditions in different geographical features,the government allow each state to have their own laws,which assure that laws are suitable for all caonditions.Also,as the values of moral and convention are changed as time flies,many conceptions do not exist or be replaced by new ones.For instance,in the past,it is only males' rights are protected by laws and females are in low status.After a great number of movement of feminist,government added many clauses to protect women's rights,such as gave them right to vote.
In sum,since the function of laws is to protect citizens' legal rights,to make sure that everyone fulfill his or her obligations and to punish those who violate the laws,laws should at first maintain its consistency and stability to let everyone live in a equal society then modifiy laws to make it more comprehensive.
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