GRE 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:lovehp
Laws should be flexible enough to take account of various circumstances, times, and places. [Specific Task Instruction: Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the statement and explain your reasoning for the position you take. In developing and supporting your position, you should consider ways in which the statement might or might not hold true and explain how these considerations shape your position.]
本题改编自老GRE的ISSUE174"Laws should not be rigid or fixed. Instead, they should be flexible enough to take account of various circumstances, times, and places"。题目讨论法律灵活性的问题。法律的制定以及执行过程中面对不同需要(稳定、全面、可行性等)以及各种新的情况。过分固定或灵活都是不实际的,所以肯定需要寻找一个平衡点。因为涉及的是比较抽象的话题,所以在论述过程中务必把论点阐述清晰并给出充足论证,回避假大空的问题。同时需要注意题目给出的“不同环境、时间和地点”的提示,要把思路放开。
1. 法律在制定和通过的实施过程是怎样的,除了法律本身,在执法过程中还有哪些相关因素?
回答: 首先是提出议案,或者说法律的草案,经过议会讨论,修改,最后通过表决才能正式成为法律。在实施过程中,法律刚刚通过的那几个月是算作法律的试运行期,之后才能是按正常的程序运行。在执法过程中要考虑到执行人,执行力等
2. 现有的法律是否能兼顾不同的环境、时间、地点?如果不能,漏洞在哪里?是否有其他方式可以对法律的漏洞进行弥补?
回答: 不能完全兼顾不同的时间、环境、地点。漏洞在于制定法律过程中没有完全充分的考虑到各种情况,以及影响因素。弥补方法就是修改法律,补充法规,条例等
3. 如果法律僵化固定一成不变,会有什么后果?有没有过相关的事例?
回答: 没有人情味,也许一些人的犯法行为只是为了维护正义,不得以做了某些犯法的事。如果法律不变通,将会引起公民不满,或者以后没有人再见义勇为,维护正义。比如,在自卫过程中杀了犯罪分子,再比如英国一位母亲应女儿要求,对女儿实行安乐死
4. 如果法律十分灵活,和原有的状态相比有什么优缺点?
回答: 好处是:也许能做出最符合当时情况的决定,也许最后的判决对当事人都更合理,更容易接受 坏处是:会有些人做了某些坏事,为了逃避责任,而distort法律,凌驾于法律至上,此外,法官的权利更大了,这不是个好事情
5. 颁布法律的目的是什么?
回答: 维护正义,保护大多数人的利益,同时惩罚那些犯法的人,威慑那些有犯罪意向的人
According to various circumstances, times,and places, should laws be flexible?  The author's opinion is that we can make more humanlize and disinterested judges if laws take account of various circumstance, times, and places. Given those special conditions, laws should be flexible take circumstance, times and places in consideration, because only in this way could court make justy judges. However, like the old saying goes, every coine has two faces, so constrast is a kinds homogeneous in science and flexible laws.  Both science and flexible laws could have good effect on society and also bed effect.
Laws is scanty and infring. Because laws is base of order and it reflecet justice, as well as protect our interests, by fining criminals and prventing criminals. In addition, the progress of establishing a law is cogent and strict, which is almost flawless. Morever, only through correcting and conplement time and time again and experiment in society could a law valide. Therefore, laws are suitable to almost every circumstance, places, times. Thus, in common condition, laws shouldn't be flexible.
However, as we all known that even one thing that is almost impossible to happen, it still could happen surprisingly.  So, under some special circumstance, laws should be flexible enough to take account of various circumstance, times and places. Because some special cases need court consider of circumstance, times and places,  which to make a humanlize judgement. Even though the progress of establishing a law is complex and strict, laws are guideline that could not deliberate every circumstance, under this kink of condition, laws have to flex.  Although some of people did break some term of laws, but what they done is out of justic or human nature. Such as an exanple that in United Kingdom, a mathor put her daughter to sleep in order help her daughter get rid of disease tortured  her daughter already 17 years.  The court finally exculpate the mother on account of her daughter's disease and requirement. Based on this examplar, laws shoud be flexible under some circumstance, times and places.
Even though flexible laws are humanlized, we sould also focus on its disadvantage. Like the author said, laws flex only in some special circumstance, times, and places. If transcend this scale,  laws would loss its justice and scantry. At that time, maybe everyone would distort laws for their own interests.  And judges would corrupt if they have this kind of power, what's worst, no one constraints their power.
In a nutshell, laws shouldn't be flexible in common circumstance. Only under some controversy topic, issue or case could laws be flexible to make a humanlized dicieion.
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