GRE 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:邓馨
Governments should offer college and university education free of charge to all students. [Specific Task Instruction: Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the recommendation and explain your reasoning for the position you take. In developing and supporting your position, describe specific circumstances in which adopting the recommendation would or would not be advantageous and explain how these examples shape your position.]
本题改编自老GRE的ISSUE53"College and university education should be free for all students, fully financed by the government"。题目的大范围是关于教育的,具体的说是讨论教育资金应该由个人承担还是政府承担,分析的重点应该是政府和高等教育的关系,学生个体和高等教育的关系,以及资金及其来源于高等教育的关系。
1. 了解一下目前世界上一些国家的教育制度和体系,描述其中某一个或几个国家政府对高等教育的管理和资金支持情况。
回答: 中国,自费;挪威,公费
2. 大学里的学生一般都要支付哪些费用?他们的经济状况和经济来源如何?政府对学生有什么补贴?
回答: 学费,生活费和书费,来自父母和一小部分自己打工
3. 政府资助大学的目的是什么?这些目的是否可以通过其他途径得到?
回答: 减轻学生的负担,使得学生能尽量多的接受大学教育;社会人士捐助,助学贷款等
4. 了解并计算一下,大学的运营费用是怎样的,如果支持一个1万名学生的大学,政府需要投入多少资金?
回答: 学费5000,书本费等其他费用按1000算,每个学生需要6000,一万名则需要六千万
5. 政府付费之后(经济问题被解决之后)可能出现什么正面或负面结果?
回答: 正面,学费不再成为学生上大学的障碍 负面,政府出现财政赤字
Governments should offer college and university education free of charge to all students.
Should government offer college and university education free of charge to all students?If the government asks such question to the public,I believe that no one will opposite it.However,see from universities and colleges all over the world,there are few governments can do this.
Not only the public but also the government would like to offer students a free university and college education because it is beneficial for both students and the government.Students will no longer have to face the problem of lacking money for education,their parents will put down a heavy burden.In terms of government,since the competition between countries is the level of which its residents educated.The more students accept university education,the more elites the government will cultivate,and the more powerful the country will be.Thus,no government will be willing to see its students give up education because of economic problems.In fact,most governments charge educational fees from students,mainly due to three questions.
Firstly,though the government has responsibility of ensure its residents' education,it is actually parents' obligation to sent their children to a higher education.If the government shoulder this obligation,though families will feel relaxed,they are also lose the obligation that they ought to accomplish by their own.
Secondly,all funds that government has are origated from revenues and they are very limited.The function of the government is to use the money to creat as much as possible benefits for residents.We all know that the amount of  money used to operate an university is very high and there are many colleges and universities in a counntry.So,if the government really want to free all tuitions of colleges and universities,it is likely that there will be no money left for other constructions,even face finacial deficit.Consequently,the government will face a large number of other problems.Though it is important to solve the question of education,it is equal vital to solve and develop other areas in society,such as economy and science.
Finally, to free all students' tuition fees is not the only and most effective way to ensure all students can enter universities and colleges.Since the method the speaker presents is ideal and not practical,there  are various alternatives.In China,where there are millions of students in universities and it is impossible for a developing countries to afford all these money.The universities and government set up a large number of sholarships and educational loans to those students in need.This method will not only solve problems of students who are in need,but also encourages students to work hard in universities because some of the sholarships are for whose marks are higher.
In sum,the method the speaker mentions can only be realistic in condition that the government has enough money and there are not too much students wanting to enter universities.Otherwise,the government can only rely on other alternative ways to let more students enter universities without heavy burdens of financial problems.
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