TOEFL 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:hemingxin
When people move to another country, some of them decide to follow the customs of the new country. Others prefer to keep their own customs. Compare these two choices. Which one do you prefer? Support your answer with specific details.
1. 你的国家有什么地方和国外不一样?描述一个具体的情况。
回答: 我们国家的人过春节而其他国家的人过圣诞节。我们国家的人吃动物内脏而其他国家的人不吃。
2. 入乡随俗会有什么好处和不好?说说你或者你朋友的例子。
回答: 入乡随俗可以使我们更快的融入当地的社会,更快的适应当地的社会。我同学刚到美国不适应当地的风俗,后来他决定了解美国人的习俗并且按照美国人的生活方式生活,最后取得了理想的效果。
3. 在国外坚持自己的习俗会有什么好处?说说你或者你朋友的例子。
回答: 在国外坚持自己国家的习俗可以弘扬本国的文化,让外国人了解自己国家的传统和生活方式,促进大家的沟通与理解。在国外,有的人对中国的传统存在误解。他们认为中国人在过节的时候放烟火是对环境极大的破坏,而我们却认为这是我们表达喜悦的方式。
4. 可不可以只保持部分习俗?如果可以,你觉得哪些是必须保持的习俗?
回答: 可以只保持部分习俗。想过春节这样能体现我们传统文化的习俗就必须保持,而一些饮食习惯可以不遵守。
When people move to an another country, some of them decide to follow the customs of the new country. Others prefer to keep their own traditions. Obviously, this is where the controversy arises. From my perspective, I strongly hold the opinion that we should following the customs of the new country as long as we move to an another country, which does more good than harm to ourselves.
It is following the customs of the new country that can help us adapt the new environment.  My friend Lee is a prime example of this. Lee move to American at the age of 15. At first, he cannot adapt the new environment in US for the reason that American people talk in different ways as Chinese do. For instance, American people refuse others straightly while Chinese people disagree with other indirectly. To blend in the new environment quickly, Lee decided to learn the customs and culture and then devote himself following the customs,with desired end result.
Following customs of new country could let us adapt the new environment with satisfying quickness; furthermore, in its manifestation of communication function, we can have more chances to contact with others and dismiss some discrimination as well. Fireworks present an interesting case for that. Chinese people always play firework to show happiness when spring festival eve. However, some foreigners argues that the playing fireworks is not  happy so much as dangerous and have a bad impact on the environment. After foreigners played it, they can understand why Chinese people played fireworks every spring festival.
Although considerable importance has been attached to following the customs of new country, some traditional and cultural customs should be kept under some circumstances.  One of the example of keep traditional customs is the spring festival. As we all know, Chinese people celebrate spring festival while west foreigners have Christmas  celebrations. Spring festival is coined as the ancient Chinese culture which make people get together and wish everybody a good luck. Spring festival is a representative element of Chinese culture which we should keep it as much as we can.
To sum up, considerable importance should be attached to following the customs of new country, though some traditional and cultural customs are ought to be kept. Learning native culture and tradition and then try our best to follow them can benefit us as much as we want.
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