TOEFL 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:hemingxin
Some movies are serious, designed to make the audience think. Other movies are designed primarily to amuse and entertain. Which type of movie do you prefer? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.
1. 你看过哪些比较严肃或娱乐性强的影片?举例说明。
回答: 娱乐性强的影片,比如说功夫熊猫。严肃性强的有通天塔。
2. 严肃点的电影看完是什么感觉?
回答: 严肃性强的电影通常反映社会的现实,并且引发人们的思考。让人们觉得我们的社会还有很多不公平的地方和需要改进的地方。
3. 娱乐性质的电影能给我们带来什么?
回答: 娱乐性质的电影可以让我们感觉舒服,放松心情,缓解压力,我们的工作可以更加的富有效率。打发时间。
4. 你还喜欢其他什么类型的电影?
回答: 历史片。通过这些电影,我可以了解历史,通过历史我可以吸取教训,防止相同的错误发生。同时,历史片也可以让我们了解本国的文化,增加国家的归属感。
Nowadays, no one can deny that there are an increasing number of movies, with various styles. Some people like serious movies which is designed to make the audience think. However, other people love amusing movies which is designed to amuse and entertain. From my perspective, I prefer the amusing movies to those serious films.
Amusing movies can do far more good than harm to our daily life. They can make us laughing and relieve the pressure in our daily life. As we all know, our society is a world of pressure which would have a bad impact on our mental and physical health. The importance of health to us can never be doubted. What's more, hardly can we make some change when we are under high pressure.The more the pressure relieved, the more healthy we are. The more healthy we are, the more we can do for our society.
In addition, it is the amusing movies that can make us work in a considerable effective way. Myself present an interesting case for this. When I felt tired and boring, I don't want to work or study at all and some negative feelings would be aroused which would resist further improvement. At that time, I often looked for amusing movies and then watched them with my friends or family, with the negative feelings disappeared. Finally, I can devote myself entirely to my work, with desired end result.
Although I prefer amusing movies in my daily life, the benefits of serious film are not deniable. One of the greatest film, Babel, is a prime example of this. In this film, the conductor told us some disappointing facts in our daily life which encourage us to examine our society and pay attention to those groups who need extra assistance. Obviously, films like Babel promote our society.
From the reasons discussed above, I prefer the amusing films to serious movies though the latter have some minor advantages over the former. Amusing films can not only make us feel accelerating happy and comfortable but also let us work in a more effective way.

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