TOEFL 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:Terry
Some movies are serious, designed to make the audience think. Other movies are designed primarily to amuse and entertain. Which type of movie do you prefer? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.
1. 你看过哪些比较严肃或娱乐性强的影片?举例说明。
回答: batman
2. 严肃点的电影看完是什么感觉?
回答: impressive
3. 娱乐性质的电影能给我们带来什么?
回答: funny
4. 你还喜欢其他什么类型的电影?
回答: entertainment
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Employees who are good at following the instructions of their managers are more valuable to their companies than employees who always try to find new ways or better ways.

In contemporary world, the spirit of innovation plays an indispensable role in our life. There is a general debate nowadays about whether employees should follow the instruction of their managers or find new ways to accomplish their goals. Those who favor to follow instructions argue that people ought to be obliging to rules.While people who object to conformity, on the other hand, maintain that excellence derive from innovation. From my perspective,depending on jobs is following with the instructions.

Admittedly,the spirit of innovation need to be developed in contemporary life. We live in a world of inexhaustible power of dream, undeniable aspiration for the future,and unremitting efforts by a group of people, so the innovation is one of most significant factors, and change of world comes around. It is an innovation that Post-it Note, for example, is a break with the ways of communicate with each other. People post the note to the place where they can see in order to remind themselves what to do, contributing to the development of company. In addition, when it comes to the product designers or engineers, they need to find new ways or better ways.Via innovate new products, the society could progress. 
There is no deny that innovation can bring huge advantages to the world. However, considering the leaders of companies, the employees should conform the instructions from managers. For any employers, they prefer to the compliment staff rather than those who always try to find new ways. Owing to their conformity, they can manage the company more efficient and benefit the development of company. Supposed that the employee always put aside the instruction made by the managers,and follow their own thoughts, their products maybe happen to serious bugs. In the formal enterprise, the hierarchy should be so obvious to anyone that executor do what the decision makers enact. 
In addition,employers always provide with another perspective on what seems to employees be new way or better way. Perhaps they dismiss these new perspectives as unrealistic role in their product process, because the employers have experienced in their community compared to those employees. The staff spend energy and time on the unrealistic goal, implying a waste of company resources coupled with declination of efficiency in the manufacturing process. The fact that employees have not accomplished the tasks without following the instructions may lead to influence others works,leaving the bad impression on their partners.  
In a nutshell, employees ought to have sight not only on the instruction they should follow but also on the innovation,making possible an explosion of the company development.
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