TOEFL 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:sophia_713
Some movies are serious, designed to make the audience think. Other movies are designed primarily to amuse and entertain. Which type of movie do you prefer? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.
1. 你看过哪些比较严肃或娱乐性强的影片?举例说明。
回答: Serious movies like a separation,and amusing movies like spiderman are all impressed me a lot.
2. 严肃点的电影看完是什么感觉?
回答: Serious movies make me think and analyze the social phenomenon that happen around us.It will be easier for me to understand the problems in society and sympathize the ones that I didn't know before.A separation is a movie just like that.It presents us an accident that happens between two families which causes conflicts between affection and ethic,higher and lower social hierarchies,and law and religion.I never knew all these heavy issues we barely talked about in our common conversations were actually so close to us.It made me think them over and inspired me to observe the society at a different angle.
3. 娱乐性质的电影能给我们带来什么?
回答: Amusing movies are necessary to our lives,too.It can make me feel relaxed.During the whole watching process,we forget all the frustrating details about that day,and simply laugh or cry with the heroes.In those 2 or 3 hours,we dive deeply into a man-made dream,nothing else matters.When it comes to the happy ending,we get satisfied and then,returning to the boring real life won't seem to be that insufferable.
4. 你还喜欢其他什么类型的电影?
回答: Documentary film is also one of my favorites.This type of film is all about public welfare and popular science.Each of them concerns about one particular phenomeon or event,and try to express the explanations or the analysis to the audience.We will at least understand the background information and some basic knowledge about the issue after watching it.Documentary film provides us an easy access to the stuff which is beyond our professional fields.
There are different types of movies. Some movies are shot to entertain the audience,while some are degined to make people think. Serious movies like a separation, and amusing movies like spiderman are all impressed me a lot. Everybody has their favourites and their choice, I myself prefer the serious movies to the amusing ones.
   Many serious movies concentrates on the social problems,and raise some valuable questions to us. They make us think and analyze the social phtnomenon that happen around us. They also provide the film-makers' angles of observing the world, and that will definitely broaden our views. It will be easier for me to understand the problems in society and sympathize the ones that I didn't know before. A separation is a movie just like that. It presents us an accident that happens between two families which causes conflicts between affection and ethic, higher and lower social hierarchies, and law and religion. I never knew all these heavy issues we barely talked about in our common conversations were actually so close to us. It made me think them over and inspired me to observe the society at a different angle.
   Documentary film is also one of my favorite types of serious movies.This type of film is all about public welfare and popular science.Each of them concerns about one particular phenomeon or event,and try to express the explanations or the analysis to the audience.We will at least understand the background information and some basic knowledge about the issue after watching it.Documentary film provides us an easy access to the stuff which is beyond our professional fields.
   On the other hand, amusing movies are necessary to our lives,too. It can make me feel relaxed. During the whole watching process, we forget all the frustrating details about that day,and simply laugh or cry with the heroes. In those 2 or 3 hours,we dive deeply into a man-made dream, nothing else matters. When it comes to the happy ending, we get satisfied and then, returning to the boring real life won't seem to be that insufferable.

   Each kind of movies in existence is reasonable.The relaxing and joyful feelings result from the amusing,entertaining movies are no doubt requisite.However,to think over the problems in our society, to get more knowledge of the unfamiliar world through watching the serious movies is a better choice. In a word, I prefer serious movies and I will stick to think more of life.
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