GRE 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:刘旸
Governments should place few, if any, restrictions on scientific research and development. [Specific Task Instruction: Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the recommendation and explain your reasoning for the position you take. In developing and supporting your position, describe specific circumstances in which adopting the recommendation would or would not be advantageous and explain how these examples shape your position.]
本题为老GRE的ISSUE69原题。题目讨论政府限制对科研的作用。给出的观点认为政府限制对科研存在负作用,应当尽可能得少。本题的分析可以从物质需求和非物质追求两个角度展开,同时还可以针对“few, if any”三个词进行论述。
1. 从政府角度,如何判断某件事的是有利还是有害的?哪些事情是政府关注的?
回答: 是否存在不确定的奉献,是否有利于社会福利。
2. 从科学研究的角度,其结果会对被政府关注的事物产生什么样的影响?(可以从医学、物理、化学、生物、天文、地理、人文等方面思考)
回答: 被政府关注可以获得更多的资金和支持,比如曼哈顿计划。也有可能使科学研究收到限制,比如中国,只注重实用,过于功利。
3. 如果政府对科学研究完全放开不管,给予最大支持,有求必应,会有什么结果?
回答: 可能会遇到不可控的风险,比如切而诺贝利核事故。
4. 如果政府对科学研究进行严格限制,谨小慎微,又会有什么后果?
回答: 限制科学研究
5. 科学研究和发展需要一种怎样的平衡才能算做最健康的发展环境?
回答: 对存在不确定风险的进行监控,其他则尽力支持。
The speaker claims that government should place few constrains,if any,on scientific research and development. I concede that few restrictions on scientific research might be conducive to scientific innovation.However,in my view,the government should monitor the scientific research which may cause uncertain risks.

Curiosity and interest are the most critical motives for scientific discovery.Many scientists are engaged in scientific research merely to satisfy their thirsty for knowledge and curiosity.And most of their research are independent of the government.For example,to uncover the relationship between force and motion,Issac Newton founded the theory of Newtonian mechanics;to discovery the essence of time and space,Albert Einstein established the theory of relativity.None of the research above is independent of the government.Therefore,few intervenes,placed by government on scientific research,might be helpful for scientific inventions.

However,the scientists cannot guarantee that their research will provide people with more convenience and comfort,rather than some serious disasters,based on humans' limited cognitive capacity.Research is by nature a work whose result is uncertain.All scientific starts with hypothesis and assumptions,with the purpose of exploring untapped frontiers.In the process of research,as evidence accumulated to a convincing degree,scientists can compare date with theory,and corroborate or disprove the hypothesis and assumptions.In this respect,the consequence of scientific research is either helpful for humans,or dangerous.For example,the research on cloning technology may overturn the existing social ethics,throwing chaos into our ordered society;the abuse of nuclear energy,such as nuclear accident happened in Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant in 2011 and Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant in 1986,has brought humans serious catastrophe.

Government should monitor the scientific research which may risk causing serious problems,for its duty to safeguard the social public interests.Scientific research and development is a double-edged sword for the whole society.It could make people live more conveniently and comfortable but,on the other hand,it also brings with it some serious problems.The advent of nuclear power plants has helped people alleviate the energy crisis.Yet it has also brought about many nuclear contaminations.How to solve such problems is one of the most important tasks of government.Government should find a balance between offering freedom to scientific research and placing restrictions on it.

In sum,few intervenes,placed by government on scientific research,might be helpful for scientific inventions.However,government should monitor the research which may risk causing serious disasters due to the uncertainty of the consequence of scientific research.
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