GRE 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:潘潘落雨了
Governments should focus on solving the immediate problems of today rather than on trying to solve the anticipated problems of the future. [Specific Task Instruction: Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the recommendation and explain your reasoning for the position you take. In developing and supporting your position, describe specific circumstances in which adopting the recommendation would or would not be advantageous and explain how these examples shape your position.]
本题改编自老GRE的ISSUE56,和老GRE的ISSUE3 "It is more important to allocate money for immediate, existing social problems than to spend it on long-term research that might help future generations" 有类似的地方,都是阐述急需解决的问题和未来可能出现的问题之间的关系。不同的是,这里要讨论的是政府的行为。题目的分析应该从政府职能入手,论证政府为什么要解决当前的问题或未来的问题。
1. 有哪些问题是需要政府马上解决的?有哪些问题是可能会在未来发生的?请举例说明。
回答: 经济发展,失业率过高,等如不马上解决可能会影响到国民生活水平的问题。未来:环境退化,战争等。
2. 政府的职能和责任是什么?这些职能和责任需要政府解决什么样的问题?请举例说明。
回答: 只能:维护国家安全(军队,战争,国防national defense等),促进国家发展(发展工业,开发资源,鼓励创新),保护国民生活(制定法律,惩治犯罪等)。
3. 目前存在的急需解决的问题具有什么特点?如果不解决会对社会、人民、政府造成什么影响?请举例说明。
回答: 急需解决:经济危机后经济不振。生活水平下降,失业率升高,国家动荡。
4. 未来可能出现的问题如果预先解决有什么好处?会带来什么负担和压力?请举例说明。
回答: 防范于未然。但占用目前的财政资源。
5. 未来可能出现的问题如果现在不想办法解决,可能出现什么不良的后果?请举例说明。
回答: 以后的解决成本比现在大很多,影响也坏很多。
6. 政府面临的社会压力来自于何处?这些社会压力会用什么方法来调节?如果政府不解决社会上存在的问题,会出现什么结果?请举例说明。
回答: 公众的期待,不同利益群体诉求的矛盾,眼前利益与长远利益的矛盾,国际社会的压力。
Among the sophisticated affairs that governments have to face to, it is alway important to decide an order of solving different kinds of problems. Though immediate problems definitely need more attention and faster action, I can't totally agree with the statement that government should focus on solving immediate problems rather than anticipated problems in the future. In my opinion, when solving urgent immediate problems, it is necessary to look into the future further, and judge what to do by its possible effects in the future. 
First of all, I have to admit that according to the normal logic, we must solve the immediate problem first, then prepare for the future. I can never keep worrying what if people don't like my dish instead of going to buy ingredients immediately. The same to government, filling the crack on a dam is much more important than having conferences and discussing about possible things in the future. 
However, when we try to work out immediate problems, we have to consider about the future benefits. In some conditions, the immediate interests have conflicts with future benefits. For instance, a economy stuck at a down point, government could solve the problem by issuing huge amount of currency. Nevertheless, in the future, excessive amount of currency would trigger inflation, which could put the economy into an even worse situation. A much more common example is, immoderate exploiting of natural resources generated a serious resources shortage on a global scale nowadays. We can never make immediate plans regardless of their future influences. Sometimes they should be considered as a potential index of judgement for what should we do now. 
In the other hand, everything changes with time. The problem that we are worrying about now might not exist in the future anymore. It could be vain if we solve the problem only due to its immediate states. The municipality of the area where I live made a decision several years ago; since primary school in countryside have serious problem like lacking of teacher then, government promoted to increase the number of young teachers there by providing them financial help. However, no one had expected that the number of children who were suppose to be a primary school student decreased in the following years. Many of the teachers lost their job and got low salary. It was also a waste that many classrooms are empty. The huge investment from government finance finally lost its meaning. If they looked at the birth rate of new born babies when they made this decision, they may know that their new teachers and new classrooms are going to be no use. 
In conclusion, considering about anticipated problems in the future when solving immediate problems might be the most proper thing to do. Though it can make solving immediate problems more complex, it is indeed worth it since we can act for a better future.
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