TOEFL 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:sunchen
How do movies or television influence people's behavior? Use reasons and specific examples to support your answer.
1. 你喜欢看电影或电视吗?描述一部你最喜欢的电影或是电视节目。
回答: I like to watch movies and televisin, among those programs is the most interesting program category, the documenteries of BBC, which cover vast variety of topics,such as biology, geography, art, history and so on.
2. 你从电影或电视中学到了什么?
回答: I enjoy watching documenteries, especially biological parts, from the first time I watch this kind of programs. Through watching biological documenteries, I begin to have great interests in learning knowledge of biology. After I graduated from university, I decided to do research in the area of biology. As I majored in computer science(CS), I am now doing bioinformatics research, an interdiscipline subject of CS and biology, in a biological institute, chasing my interest.
3. 这些学到的东西对你的行为有什么益处和弊端?
4. 如果没有电影或是电视,人们的生活会有什么改变?
5. 电影或电视节目这种文化产品在人们的生活中起到什么作用?
With the developing of movie manufacturing techology, more and more movies and television programs are availble for people, which in turn influence people's behavior.  As far as I'm concerned, media programs have more positive effects on people's motion.The main reason is that movies and televisions offer people information and technology in a amusing method, which will create a relaxed circumstance for learning. For instence,  I like to watch movies and televisin, among those programs is the most interesting program category, the documenteries of BBC, which cover vast variety of topics, such as biology, geography, art, history and so on. Through watching biological documenteries, I begin to have great interests in learning knowledge of biology. After I graduated from university, I decided to do research in the area of biology. As I majored in computer science(CS), I am now doing bioinformatics research, an interdiscipline subject of CS and biology, in a biological institute, chasing my interest.Beside the BBC programs I metioned before, there are amount of other teaching television programs and cartoons for children. Through these programs, children in different age will learn knowledge such as how to deal with everyday problems , and virtue like helping others and so on.On a further note, in the case that there is no movies or television, people will have less channels to acquire news, information and knowledge. Since I was not majored in biology, it will be less possible for me to learn specific knowledge and get interested in bioinformaitics, as I can just get these knowledge from libarary, which will be definitely boring.  Although someone may argue that there are some adulescent crimes due to imitating scenes in dark movies, I should point out that it is not movies but social reason such as wrong caring that is the radical reason of crime. And if we create a reasonal classification and stabilish a good supervision system, we can prevent those kinds of crime from happening. Movies and televisons are recreational formations that contains a lot of information and knowledge. With a healthy tutor, I do believe that movies and televisions can provide a positive environment to influence people's behavior.
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