GRE 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:王琦
No field of study can advance significantly unless it incorporates knowledge and experience from outside that field. [Specific Task Instruction: Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the statement and explain your reasoning for the position you take. In developing and supporting your position, you should consider ways in which the statement might or might not hold true and explain how these considerations shape your position.]
本题改编自老GRE的ISSUE4"No field of study can advance significantly unless outsiders bring their knowledge and experience to that field of study"。题目的关键在于“领域以外的知识和经验”这个概念的理解,以及“领域以外的知识和经验”是否能对某个领域的研究起到重要的作用。其次,知识和经验(无论谁提供的)对于研究的作用也 是可以论述的点。
1. 对于一个领域的研究来说,决定其是否能取得进展的因素有哪些?这些因素又跟什么人或者事物有关?请举例说明。
回答: 研究对象,研究者,研究的应用情况。任何存在于世上的东西都与其它事物有着千丝万缕的联系。 例如:研究对象:食物:跟营养学、生理学、烹饪、器皿、食品安全法律、生物学、社会学、政治等都有关系。 研究者:作为人,一辈子不可能跟别的东西没关系。他必须要生活与思考。 应用:想要把研究成果应用到现实中,必须跟社会学、政治、各种理工科挂钩。
2. 对于某一特定研究来说,哪些可以算作是“领域以外的知识和经验”?这些知识和经验具有什么样的价值?请举例说明。
回答: 除了研究对象以外,都算领域以外。 它可以给研究提供背景和启示。
3. 什么样的知识和经验能对某个研究起到推动作用?为什么?请举例说明。
回答: 适于本研究的。不能用根本无关或者只是表面相关的经验来指望推动研究,这样反而会导致阻碍研究。 比如说,某地庄稼欠收,因为下大雨。此时,如果使用其它因为干旱而导致的庄稼欠收的经验,就会使情况更糟。
4. 从研究的角度,应该如何借鉴其他知识或经验?有哪些成功的事例?请举例并简述。
回答: 例如:语言学。 乔姆斯基借鉴计算机思想,创立了生成语法。
5. 从研究的角度,在借鉴其他知识或经验应该注意哪些问题?有哪些由于被其他领域经验误导导致的失败或者研究进展耽搁的事例?请举例并简述。
回答: 见3
  How can a study advance significantly? The speaker claims the only reason is that it incorporates knowledge and experience from outside that field. Basically, I agree the speaker's opinion, because the material bases of any research cannot exist without relation of outside, which determines the theoredical bases of it.Thus, any advance of one field related with other fields' experiences or  knowledge.
  Material bases of research can be devided majorly into three parts: research target, researcher and the application of research. We can demonstrate that all of these parts are related with outside of the field, because nothing can exists independently.
  Firstly, the researchers, human, are intertwine with other parts of the world. Since researchers live in the world, they cannot stop being influenced by other fields. Even they can try to stop thinking of other fields, they cannot exclude knowledges in their subconsciousness, unless they totally stop thinking. Even then, they cannot stop to be influenced by other fields, since once they alive, they must eat foods, drink water, sleep on the bed, walk on the road, and so on, all of which are knowledge or experiences from other fields.
  Secondly, let us assume that there is a researcher who can live and research without any impact from other research realms, the target he or she researched still related with other part of the world. First of all, the research target must be some entity that related with human, only because of that can human research it. Second, any entity related with other fields. For example, when we research of food, it is related with nutrition, biology, preservation of food, and even laws of food safety. Even a lonely stone putting on a desert without human's trace, it is related with the sun, the ground, and the air, which is still related with other realms.
  Thirdly, even if the researchers and the research target are totally insulated, when the researcher apply their accomplishment on practice, it is related with other things. For example, when he or she find out that one plant is efficient when using as a medicine to curing cancer, people must applying it in clinical level; when it is produced in factory, it is related with other chemical and physical technology, and economics and regulation.  Furthermore, people must consider the conditions of society, and even political situations.
  In sum, every advance of research is related with knowledge and experiences from other field. Because no advance can independently exist without impact from other fields' knowledge. Sometimes, research result related with other fields is a significant advance itself.
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