GRE 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:王琦
Critical judgment of work in any given field has little value unless it comes from someone who is an expert in that field. [Specific Task Instruction: Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the statement and explain your reasoning for the position you take. In developing and supporting your position, you should consider ways in which the statement might or might not hold true and explain how these considerations shape your position.]
1. 请分别列举在某领域中来自专家和非专家的两个判断,并简述这些判断被事实检验后的结果。
回答: 根据专业知识预测的地震或者天气,可能会不准确,而根据云象、动物异动等经验预测的则可能会准确。 但是桑迪飓风就被专家准确预测了,因而可以得到有效的防护。
2. 专家的判断力相对于其他人的有哪些优势?请举例并简述。
回答: 专家:有理论指导。普通人:完全通过经验,很少有理论指导。例如股票:专家可以通过经济学原理分析股票市场的走势,而普通人只能根据经验判断,所以往往被套牢。
3. 专家的判断力相对于其他人的有哪些不足?请举例并简述。
回答: 有理论指导则往往导致专家被理论所束缚,教条性地利用某些理论,这样如果理论不正确或不完善,则往往出错。且因为专家的意见比较具有权威性,大家比较相信,所以一旦出错,造成的影响都比较大。例如地震,如果一个专家进行了错误的推断使大家疏于防范,则会造成巨大的经济与生命财产损失。 另外,如果专家总是进行错误的推断,将导致社会对专家的公信力减弱。
4. 仅相信专家的判断力对某一个领域的发展有哪些利弊?请举例并简述。
回答: 如果只相信专家:利:一直都可以得到理论的指导。弊:无法摆脱理论的局限。
  Whether the judgements from experts in a field are the only important judgements? The speaker claims so. However, I deem that the speaker's opinion has some prejudices. Admittedly, judgements from experts have their merits, but we cannot assert that other judgements from un-experts is valueless, nor can we confirm that every piece of judgement from expert is correct and useful.
  At the beginning, I must concede that experts'opinions have significant importance. Since they being well-trained in certain field, and having much more information and much more accurate appratus than ordinary people, they stand on a more benefitual place than others. Thus, experts often judge things more effectively. Consider the horricane Sandy, which was attacked East coast of the America. The experts' opinion forecast it several days before it arrived. Thus, the lost of economy and public health are greatly reduced. Another compelling example is the stock market. When economy declined, many people were threatened by the shrinking of stock value, many of them faced to bankcrupt. However, those who have expertise of economy were always safe, even make money in that time.
  However, no one should neglect the fact that experts are confined by the limitation of theories. Experts are always make judgements via some theorodical systems, that make sense, but sometimes when the theories are invalid, experts usually cannot figure it out, especially in those fields that are not been well-developped,for example, the forecast of earthquakes. To forecast earthquake accurately is a problem that always confuse experts, but meanwhile, many ordinary people have learnt some useful ways from life, such as the animal's abnormal behiavor, the cloud shape of sky, etc.
  Consider another example from a company makes soap box. It is a great challenge to select the empty soap box mixed into the boxes with soaps from assembly-line. One international company hired an expert team to solve this problem, then they build mathematical models, addopted many theories, and finally did it after several years. However, a worker from another local factory solve this problem simply with some great wind blower to blow off those empty boxes. This example tells us that experts sometimes limited from the laws, theories, and rules, thus fail to solve problems even when an ordinary people solve it successfully.
  In sum, I admit that experts' opinion is important, however, we cannot blindly believe what the experts says and ignore judgement from other ordinary people.

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