GRE 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:Traviss
Universities should require every student to take a variety of courses outside the student's field of study. [Specific Task Instruction: Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the claim. In developing and supporting your position, be sure to address the most compelling reasons and/or examples that could be used to challenge your position.]
本题改编自老GRE的ISSUE94"Universities should require every student to take a variety of courses outside the student's field of study because acquiring knowledge of various academic disciplines is the best way to become truly educated"。题目讨论大学生学习范围的问题,题目认为应当要求学生学习本专业以外的其他课程。在分析的过程中,可以从本专业学科和其他学科知识对学生的生活学习和工作的正负面影响、不同知识之间的相互作用、教育培养学生的目标和需求、不同领域不同环境下分情况讨论等方面展开思考。
1. 请列举你的专业课程,以及你选择的非本专业领域的其他课程,并分析这些可课程对你的意义。
回答: I have a required course named Literature Theory. History of Western Philosophy is important for me. Because in a lot of cases, a theorist is also a philosopher and their theories concerned with literature is just a part of their philosophy thoughts. So know the general ideas of one philosopher is critical for me to fully apprehend his or her literature theory.
2. 从大学生现在以及以后的学习、工作、生活的各种需求来看,哪些能力或者知识是他们需要具备的?这些知识和能力需要通过怎样的教育形式来获得?
回答: Knowledge of psychology is significant, because to be a best leaner is of more significance than to be someone who learn the most. Cognitive psychology will make you a good learner. Interpersonal communication is a crucial ability for students, especially when your future career is closely interrelated to association with other people. You can attend some special training course or some social activities to enhance this ability.
3. 仅学习自己专业领域的课程对大学生来说是否足够?如果是,请说明理由;如果不是,这样的行为对大学生的发展有哪些局限性?
回答: Obviously not enough. Limiting your learning in a certain field will give you a narrow vision. And you are not likely to limit your study in only one field, because the trend of interdisciplinary study is now in its day.
4. 自己专业领域外的其他课程可以带给大学生哪些影响?(可从正面影响、负面影响以及直接和间接影响来考虑)
回答: Positively study in other field than students' own tend to enlarge the student's vision and inspire the study in their own fields. Negatively study out of your profession may need a lot of time and energy, which is likely to impose a great burden on students shoulders.
5. 社会如何定义“人才”的标准?大学教育应该如何设置课程才能更好地培养“人才”?请举例说明。
回答: University education should meet the society's requirement.
While specialists had their heyday in the past when learners were only required to equip themselves with skills and knowledge in a certain field, generalists are certainly more popular and need by people in contemporary time, because the highly-developed society are now making higher and more comprehensive demands on individuals. As a consequent, universities, as the most important educational places, are pondering over more scientific cultivating plans to keep up with the society. One of the crucial problems is that whether school should require all its students to attend a wide variety of courses beyond their own domains of study or not. And I believe it is necessary but should not be a rigid requirement for each individual student.   In the first place, before the students have the opportunities to try some domains of study, they would never know which one is their favorite or could become their career rather than just jobs. For example, a great majority of Chinese college freshmen choose their profession based on their presuppositions of these fields, because they have never been informed of the real situation of the study in college, which is quite different from that of senior school in China. And most of these students are learning in an area which they have little passion for and do not enjoy at all.  Fortunately, some universities allow these students to learn other courses then to decide their which their final choice is before their third year in school. Therefore, universities should provide the opportunities for students to try and experience, otherwise students could never find their career but could only find a job.   In the second place, acquiring knowledge and skills from other fields is rewarding for the study of students’ own fields, because this could give them a better perspective of critical and comprehensive thinking towards their own profession. For instance, a student who is learning Western Literature Theory may have to get nutrition from courses of History of Western Philosophy, because a lot of these theorists were at the same time famous philosophers and in order to understand their literature theory better and more deeply students have to learn their thoughts holistically. And also, if those who are professional in Interface Design have chances to hone and improve their drawing skills, they are more likely to achieve more in their own fields, as fine arts provide a designer more inspirations and skills. In one word, as knowledge and skills are something as a whole and the artificial division of discipline has its own shortcomings, study in other domains is obviously a boon for students.   However, something good should not be something good rigidly, which is actually bad. Forceful requirement on study beyond students’ own fields do have its adversary effects. For example, learning so much in limited years is time-consuming and to some students arduous and formidable. And it is evident that students’ ability is on various levels and specific profession has its particular demand for students. Therefore, the requirement is supposed not to be unified but individualized.   In conclusion, although learning extensively is a boon for everyone if it is made an individualized requirement, if we make it an inflexible request, it will become inevitably a bane.  
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