GRE 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:小芹颖
The luxuries and conveniences of contemporary life prevent people from developing into truly strong and independent individuals. [Specific Task Instruction: Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the statement and explain your reasoning for the position you take. In developing and supporting your position, you should consider ways in which the statement might or might not hold true and explain how these considerations shape your position.]
目前生活的奢华和方便阻碍了一个人成长为真正强大和独立的个体。 [说明:写一篇文章,讨论你同意或反对这个说法达到什么程度,并解释你选择这个观点的理由。在展开和支持你的观点时,你需要考虑这个说法可能在哪些方面成立或者不成立,并解释你所考虑的这些东西如何体现你的观点]
本题改编自老GRE的ISSUE26"Although many people think that the luxuries and conveniences of contemporary life are entirely harmless, in fact, they actually prevent people from developing into truly strong and independent individuals"。题目要求阐述的是奢华和方便的生活是否会影响一个人的成长,换句话说,就是要论证奢华和方便的生活是否会影响到人的独立性和能力的培养。这个题目切忌对生活的方便之处进行罗列;并且,在写作的时候一定要有明确的观点,并针对观点来选择可以使用的理由和论据。
1. 回忆一下自己的成长过程,生活条件如何?这种生活条件是否对成长造成了影响?如果是,具体阐述是什么影响,并举例说明。
回答: 1
2. 奢华和方便的生活会给人的独立性和能力培养提供什么好处?带来什么问题?请举例说明。
回答: 1
3. 人的成长,尤其是个人能力和独立性,会受到哪些因素的影响?这些因素是否都和生活质量有关系?如果有,具体是什么关系?请举例说明。
回答: 1
4. 比较贫困的生活会给人的独立性和能力培养带来什么好处?带来什么问题?请举例说明。
回答: 1
The luxuries and conveniences of contemporary life prevent people from developing into truly strong and independent individuals.In this issue it assert that the luxuries and conveniences of contenmporary life prevent people from developing into truly strong and independent individuals. Consider the phenomena that people are more and more rely on the conveniences and eager to enjoy the luxuries it seems to make sense. However, to exam it deeply, you will find that the luxuries and conveniences of contemporary life not only make our life more convenient and colorful, but also help us to be more independent. So I can hardly agree with the statement.Admittely, our life are more and more involves in the contemporary convenience and it is most people's dream to have a luxury car or house, or even a private plane.  Today, we can go anywhere in the world in a short time, thanks to the powful traffic. We can communicate with anyone only we have his or her telephone number. Even we I buy anything just seating in front of the computer though the Internet. Because of the advancing of technology, life of today is really very convenient, which is harld imaginable in the old ages. However, it seems we are becoming more and more rely on all these convenience. Life would be unthinkable without cellphone, subway, airplane and so on. If not computer, one can hardly caculate the most complicated equation.However, we are also becoming more and more strong compared with the acient people. For example, we know many things they don't know, that means we abtain more knowledge than them. We can solve more complicated proplems, and also we have more entertainment and luxuries. In short life of contemporary is more colorful. In the old time, people don't have light,  they just used fire as the light, which make life of the night very dark. In contrary, modern life, day or night are all day light, people have more blighter light, and even they can make it for special use, the colorful house of HooKoo is a good example, which the light is designed to change with the music.  Far from prevent us from independent, the convenience and luxuries make us more and more powful. The convenience life make our life so effective, which will dramatically save our time to ensure that we can complite more tasks and do more thinking. The luxuries, on the other hand, give one a motives to change his life and pursue a more rich life. It is most students dream to have a promising future, to find a good job with high salary, to possess a beautiful house, which, in the final analysis is for a luxury life. This give them the strength to study hard, to work hard, and to think independently.In sum, life is becoming more and more convenience and luxuries. However, it is make us more and more independent for saving our time and giving us effective rather than prevent us from truely independent.   In this era of rapid and technological change bringing more and more luxuries and conveniences into people's life, some are worried that they actually impeding people from pursuing truly strength and indepence. Through reflecting some of the appearances in society, this statement is really a little misleading.It seems obvious that the luxrious and convenience devices which only appear in our contemporary society actually prevent us from strength and independence. More and more peolple cannot do even simple calculation without calculators, which can be done manually before. The invention of automobiles are so convenient that people no longer need to walk a long way to work or come back home, which act a role in people's worse healthy condition. According to such behaviors in the society, some hastily draw the conclusion that in spite of the luxuries and conveniences, the contemporary life is really a Sargasso Sea of weakness and dependence bogging people from development.However, it is not fair to just blame the luxuries and conveniences for some retrogress of contemporary people without noticing their influence in helping us to obtain our really independent life. It is private cars that make it possible for common people to avoid the public transportation when they want to have some time and space belonging to themselves and enjoying their life only with their families and friends. And with the functions of many instant messengers, taking MSM as a typical example, people can just communicate with others in their own rooms without the necessity of meeting with real ones, maybe doing something else they would like at the same time. Both illustrate the point that under the surface of people's dependence on technology is the essence that they can possess a life of truly independence from others which were beyond imagination before the contemporary society came into being.Besides, the science and technology nowadays have developed to such a level that a single person can also make a significant contribution to the society with their help, which demonstrates that people are in fact intellectually stronger. It is not the time when judging people's ability only by how heavy they can carry or how fast they can run. On the contrary, intellectuall level is the principal standard for evaluating whether a person really useful in promoting our life and the harmony among us. The luxuries and conveniences play a really big part in helping people to achieve the objective. It was considerably difficult for hundreds of people to build a relative high building before while engineers in the contemporary life can construct powful enough machines to take place of people's work, saving not only labor force but also time and capital. How can we deny the existence of luxuries and conveniences in making people stronger with such evident illustrations?For thousands of years, our ancestors kept on fighting with the tough nature, somtimes even having no idea whether they would still be alive the next moment. Are they strong? While overcoming alll the dangers in the nature, they also had to depend on the nature to obtain what they needed. Are they indepent? It had been a really long way for us human to construct such a luxuries and convenient society. With the comparison with the early society, the advantages of modern society are also obvious that it is reasonable to accept the statement that the luxuries and conveniences indeed help people a lot to become truly strong and independent individuals. 
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