GRE 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:Alice衣荷沐曦
The luxuries and conveniences of contemporary life prevent people from developing into truly strong and independent individuals. [Specific Task Instruction: Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the statement and explain your reasoning for the position you take. In developing and supporting your position, you should consider ways in which the statement might or might not hold true and explain how these considerations shape your position.]
目前生活的奢华和方便阻碍了一个人成长为真正强大和独立的个体。 [说明:写一篇文章,讨论你同意或反对这个说法达到什么程度,并解释你选择这个观点的理由。在展开和支持你的观点时,你需要考虑这个说法可能在哪些方面成立或者不成立,并解释你所考虑的这些东西如何体现你的观点]
本题改编自老GRE的ISSUE26"Although many people think that the luxuries and conveniences of contemporary life are entirely harmless, in fact, they actually prevent people from developing into truly strong and independent individuals"。题目要求阐述的是奢华和方便的生活是否会影响一个人的成长,换句话说,就是要论证奢华和方便的生活是否会影响到人的独立性和能力的培养。这个题目切忌对生活的方便之处进行罗列;并且,在写作的时候一定要有明确的观点,并针对观点来选择可以使用的理由和论据。
1. 回忆一下自己的成长过程,生活条件如何?这种生活条件是否对成长造成了影响?如果是,具体阐述是什么影响,并举例说明。
2. 奢华和方便的生活会给人的独立性和能力培养提供什么好处?带来什么问题?请举例说明。
3. 人的成长,尤其是个人能力和独立性,会受到哪些因素的影响?这些因素是否都和生活质量有关系?如果有,具体是什么关系?请举例说明。
4. 比较贫困的生活会给人的独立性和能力培养带来什么好处?带来什么问题?请举例说明。
Indeed, the luxuries and conveniences of contemporary life can actually have some negative effect on some individuals, like what the writer has argued. However, I do not agree that the they will prevent people from developing into truly strong and independent individuals.
To begin with, a lot of factors determine whether people will grow into a strong and independent individuals. For example, people with a dream that he is passionate to chase are always stronger and more faithful when confronting with difficulties on the way to success than those who do not have a dream; people with friends who are industrious are more diligent than those who make friends with lazybones; people who come from a family where strong mind and independency are highly valued by the parents are more likely to be strong and independent than those who are dosed by their parents.
Admittedly, the luxuries and conveniences of cntemporary life do ease the ambition of some people. For example, I can always concentrate and study hard when I am at school, sleeping on a very uncomfortable bed in a 12-person dormintory. I also devote more time to study, for I always get out of my bed immediately after I wake up. However, when I am at home sleeping in my cosy bed, I feel that I want to spend all my day lying there. Also, nowadays with Internet so easily to access, the key of homework and tasks given by our teacher is only a click away. So, a lot of students choose to google for the answer instead of thinking by themselves.
One must admit as well that people rising from a family with limited wealth will be premature and begin to struggle with life at an ealier age, which obviously is benefitial for them to be independent and strong. My aunt whose father passed away early and left her mother 5 children to rasie becomes independent when she was a teenager. She worked hard to earn the bread for the family. Another example is Vincent van Gough, who lived a miserable life. He was proliferate and painted lots of works. The number of his portraits painted ranks the second in all the artists.Yet, to live a life with nothing luxurious and comfortable may cause some serious problems in the mind of people. For example, the miserable life with limited wealth turned van Gough a sycho.  
Nonetheless, people with luxries and conveniences easily accessible are not necessarily unindependent and weak-willed. For instance, George Washington came from a rich family background--his father owned a large plantation. Instead of being unindependent and weak-willed, he is hard-headed, resolute, determinant and very charismatic. Moreover, abundant family wealth provide people with easy access of better education. A friend of mine was admitted by a top university of America. However, he cannot manage to go there because he cannot afford the tuition. If he was raised in a family with more wealth, his dream to be part of that school may come true. And he may achieve success a lot easier.
Finally, with luxuries of contemporary life, peole can have a little break when they are exhaused. Also, the conveniences of contemporary life, such as airlines that connect every part of the world, home electronical alliances that free people from daily chaos, make the life of people a lot easier. They have a more positive than negative impact on the life of the contemporary.
In conclusion, the luxuries and conveniences of contemporary life will not prevent people from developing into truly strong and independent individuals as long as they are self-disciplined, and can take advantage of the enjoyment and conveniences appropriately.
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