TOEFL 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:Bonnie0130
【IBT机经-1】Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: In order to succeed, you should be more like others than be different from everyone else.
1. 在我们的日常生活和社会历史中,获得成功的人都应该具备那些素质?这些成功人士是和其他人一样呢还是与众不同呢?请结合实例简述。
回答: 团队合作能力。这些人的成功都体现在团队中。例1:篮球赛中,再好的选手如果没有队友的配合,整个队伍的成绩都会受影响,正如Michael Jordan所说"Talent wins games,but teamwork wins championships"。例2:小米科技(Xiaomi Tech),其最初的创始人们都有一共同特点,即在其专业方面具有丰富的经验,不同的是他们的专业领域,他们的成功不仅靠他们的能力,还有他们的团队合作,如果他们没有合作精神,公司不会建立且运营得很好。
2. 成功人士的身上,哪些特点是具有普遍性的?那些特质是具有特殊性的?请结合具体事例简述。
回答: 团队合作能力,与人沟通能力。 对技术的敏锐度。Steve Jobs如果没有对电子业有敏锐度,Apple不会生产出智能手机Iphone,也不会引领手机业研发智能手机。
3. 变得和大家相似会出现哪些结果?在什么情况下有助于成功?什么情况下不利于成功?请结合具体事例简述。
回答: 变得与大家相似可以更好的与人沟通,更好地合作,但相似会使大家缺乏创新精神。比如我认识的一个公司的HR说其实领导更希望在该公司工作很长时间的员工换换工作,这样可以在别的公司开阔思路,防止形成思维定式,局限视野。
4. 变得和大家不同有哪些结果?在什么情况下有利于成功?什么情况下不利于成功?请结合具体事例简述。
回答: 变得与大家不同,尤其是在一个团队中,如果性格过于强势,有可能会影响团队合作或人际关系,从而影响工作进度。但思维方式不同会使团队在解决工作问题中开阔思路,从而找到更好的解决办法,更快更好的完成任务。
5. 变得和他人一样也好,不一样也罢,对成功究竟能起到多大的作用?为了获得成功,除了题目中涉及的那方面问题,还需要那些优秀的品质呢?请结合实例简述。
回答: 是否变得与人一样不能决定其是否成功。很多成功的人还会有创新精神,如google的赛吉·布林、拉里·佩奇,他们是矢志打造世界最佳搜索技术的“黑客”。他们将全部积蓄都用于购买服务器和电脑零部件,但此时他们根本不清楚自己的研究成果有什么实际应用,只知道自己是在尝试新事物,感觉到将先进技术推向应用的无比渴望。直到推出AdWords,谷歌才找到了从炙手可热的搜索引擎中获利的永久性策略,布林和佩奇才不用再为钱发愁。尽管二人肯定希望自己的努力有所回报,但创新始终在他们心中占据着第一的位置,正是这种精神,他们才有了今天几辈子都花不完的财富。
Most of people believe that we cannot be success unless we are same with others, so that we can get along well with others and involve in a group quickly. However, I think we should be different from others if we want to succeed.
First, everyone is unique. Nowadays, even children learn that no two same snowflakes are the same. That is to say there are no two identical same things, let alone our thought. If one is as same as others, our thought will be limited in a narrow perspective. One of my friend is a HR of a company, she once told me that her boss hoped his employee to change a company, because they were stay in his company for a long time so that their thought had become a fixed thinker. If they went to another company, their way of thinking would be changed in the environment so that it can bring a company a broader way to solve the same problem.
Second, to be success, we should be different from others. Everyone have bad habits, those who overcome the weak points which most people have will be successful. Napoleon Hill once introduced the laws to be success which include creativity ability and collaboration ability. Successful person always have cooperation skill which other people don't have. Just as a saying goes "two heads are better than one", some work cannot be finished by one person. If there was no cooperation, the design of Wozniak maybe stay in a computer hobbyist's shop without Steve Jobs package, let alone make Apple to become so famous. It is the cooperation of Jordan, Pippen and Rodman that made the glory of the triangle. Just like Jordan once said "Talent wins games, but teamwork wins championships". Besides, successful person have a sense of creativity which others don't have. If Jobs had no creativity, we wouldn't have smartphone, even no such easy operative iPad. It is the creativity that enables Larry Page and Sergey Brin to make money from the hottest search engine, Google, after launched AdWords.
Although successful person have some abilities which is in common with most of people, such as hard-working, sense of timing and make goal and try to accomplish it, if they had no distinctive qualities, they cannot be succeed. In short, in order to success, we should be different from others.
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