TOEFL 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:废柴女
【IBT机经-35】Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: All school teachers should be required to attend courses every five years to update their knowledge.
题目是关于教师培训的问题,比较好理解。为了更好地分析这个题目,不妨把句子划分成三个简单的成分“all school teachers(所有的学校老师)”、“attend courses(参加课程)”、“update their knowledge(升级更新他们的知识)”,然后思考下面三个问题:1、是否所有科目的老师都必须上课来提升教学质量;2、除了上课之外,是否有其他方法能够提高教学质量;3、升级更新教师的知识储备对于教学质量会产生什么影响。分析好这些问题对于分析这个题目会有很大帮助。
1. 请结合实际简述,哪些因素会影响到教学质量?
回答: 老师的讲课水平,形象,魅力,性格,和个人的知识,口才,表达能力
2. 教师的知识储备适应性教学质量的关键性因素吗?请结合实际说明你的理由。
回答: 不是罪关键的因素,因为老师讲课内容相对固定了,其他因素可能跟重要
3. 用于课堂教学的知识会很快的更新,还是会比较稳定?请结合实际简述。
回答: 一般比较稳定,比如初高中学生的课本,学的都是以前的一些经典的公式,定理,比如什么拉格朗日函数,牛顿定理。语文也是学历史上比较有名的作家的文章,比如莎士比亚的,列夫托尔斯泰的,很少学比较现代的新兴的内容。
4. 你觉得哪些课程必须要求老师及时更新知识,而哪些别的科目就不必做出这个要求?请结合实际简述。
回答: 数学,物理,历史,语文类课程可能不用更新。比如涉及到一些金融,医学类,奢侈品管理一类的课程,因为这些课程的重点是着眼于现在的流行趋势,如果不更新知识可能在工作时无法使用
5. 接受新的知识对课堂教学将产生哪些影响?请结合实际简述。
回答: 接受新的知识,可以让老师及时更正原来可能历史上出错的问题,接受新的概念,将新的思潮传授给同学们,跟上时代的变化。
As the fast speed of deveiopment in world, the knowledge storation of a peoele is updating continuly and our conception about the world is also changed rapidly. What is over a debate is that whether a teacher should be required to attend courses every five years to update their knowledge. From the my view point, I do not think this plan is that necessary based on the following reasons.First, how can we define and evaluate a good teacher?  Fresh knowleged may be one of them, but among the most important factors is other qualities, such as expressing ability, controling ability. These are all essential factors for a good teahcer,  Take my new oriental English teachers for instance. When attending their classes, it is definitely a process that you can enjoy instead of boring and tedious. At the same time, you can acquire so many useful knowlege. Since these teachers all have excellent expression ability, they can pass through the point to yoo with clear mind and expression. Moreover, they knowexactly how to control the whole class and stimulate students when they are tired with fuuny jokes. However, what they teahch the students remain the same for many years and students also get a good grade with these old knowledge.Another reason I want emphazise is that some kind of courses do not need to update the teachers' knowledge. The most dramatice examples are cousres like vebol and histroy. In history class, what teacher and students focus on is things happened in a long time ago, but not current affairs. Also, in most of the vebol class, teacher usually talk about great articles wirtten by famous writters, like shakespare, tuoersitia and so on. All these artiicles are all about the past liturature complishment. Apparently, these teachers do not need to update knowledge.In addtion, teacher can update knowledge via other ways like pay close attention to what had happened in his or her teahcing field. Moreover, five years a little too long to update. When teachers get these "new" knowledge, they may be even out of date already,Well, the benefit we can gain form updating cannot be left out though avordiance is reasonable. For example, teachers can correct what may mistake in the history immediately and receive new infornation which is essential for students. Indeed, course like luxury and fashion management do need to update information at every time.Clearly, teachers should not be required to update knowledge by attending classed since it is unnecessary in some kind of subjects and it is also not the key point in teaching process. Plus, teachers can get new knowledge via other route.
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