TOEFL 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:不忘初心_方得始终
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Attending a live performance (for example, a play, concert, or sporting event) is more enjoyable than watching the same event on television. Use specific reasons and examples to support your opinion.
1. 你去现场看过演出或是比赛了吗?描述印象深刻的一次。
回答: 演唱会 王力宏 Kiss U Goodbye。 Big city, small love. a man in the mirror. CD 翻唱专辑做纪念品
2. 跟看电视比较,现场看有什么优势和劣势?
回答: 现场优势:氛围感好,跟大家一起欢呼(球赛),一起合唱(演唱会),一起鼓掌致敬(戏剧)。 现场劣势:做的远,看的不清楚。 音箱效果吵,听不清楚。 门票贵,难买。
3. 通过电视看演出有什么好处和不好的地方?
回答: 电视优势:不用门票,花钱少。想看那台调哪台。 不用区固定场地,省时间和体力赶场。 摄像头拉近,看的清楚,专门收音,听的清楚。球赛还有解说。 电视劣势:不是所有的比赛都有转播,演唱会不会演出电视节目。没有身临其境的感觉。
4. 如果经济,时间条件各方面允许,你的选择是怎样的?
回答: 演唱会看现场,比赛看电视。
Nowadays, the variety of television programs is increased greatly, and something we were not able wo watch on TV can be available now. However, sometimes attending a live performance is more enjoyable than watching the same event on television.First of all, the live performance arises more feelings than watching TV. In the summer of 2009, I went to Wukesong Meadia Center to watching the concert of Leehon Wang. When we heard the melody of his famous song Kiss You Goodbye, all of the 30 thousands audiences sang with him. A young women sitting next to me even cried for emotion. Secondly, the live performance is less limited. For example, watching a football game between Guoan and Hengda with thousands of football fans in the National Gypsm is much more fanny. What's more, we can calling the names of our favorite team and players without worry about interpret neibohood. However, if so, to say that live performance is better than watching TV is overstatement. On one hand, watching the same event on TV is more convenient and cheaper than live performance. The tickets for a concert or a football match is at lest nearly 200 yuan, but we don't pay any money for a TV show. Besides this, we can save the time of going to the certain place and waiting in long line for checking tickets. On the other hand, there are more choices for us on TV. We have more and more channels, and they provides us more and more wonderful programs. If I like Leehon Wang, I can change to CCTV music channel to listen to his new songs, but if I want to look at the score of Hengda, then I can change to CCTV sports channel.Admittedly, the seat of a live performance seems a little far away, and I have to take a telescope in order to say more clearly. But if I have enough money and right time, I still prefer to go to a live performance. Because I think the applause and the feeling  is superior to the comfort of couch before TV.
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