TOEFL 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:Everzhong
【IBT机经-10】Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: Parents should allow their children to make mistakes and let them learn from their own mistakes.
1. 请结合实际谈谈错误分哪几种?犯错对于人们成长的重要意义是什么?
回答: 犯错最大的意义就是能让人有所警戒,不再犯同一个错误。
2. 请结合具体事例谈谈孩子们通过犯错可以吸取哪些教训?这些教训对于他们起到哪些作用?
回答: 比如小孩子都爱吃糖,可能家长让他不要吃糖的时候觉得难过觉得委屈,想吃家长又不让吃,又不能理解家长的苦心。不免就会自己偷偷吃,之后得了蛀牙,牙疼的时候就会明白这件事情是自己做的不对。除此以外通过和家长的交流还会知道不听家长的话是不对的。之后就会多注意婷家长的话。
3. 在什么情况下,孩子们犯错是可以被接受的?在什么情况下,是不能被接受的,为什么?请结合实际简述。
回答: 如果没有提前说过,都是可以接受的。如果是再三强调的还要再犯,那就无法接受了
4. 有没有哪些东西是可以不用犯错就能学到的?请举例说明。
回答: 不知道
5. 请结合具体事例简述家长应该如何在孩子们犯错和吸取教训的过程中正确发挥引导的作用?
some people believe that people should allow their children to make mistakes and let them learn from their own mistakes. nonetheless, some persist that only does harm to children.
as far as i am concerned, allowing children to make mistakes and learn from the mistakes benefits children for the following reasons.
on the one hand, it is such a normal thing that children can do wrong things. letting them know the wrong doings can prevent children from doing the same or similar things again. in this process, children can learn more things than predicted. for example, many kids love candy, but they don't know that too much candy will bring them toothache. so they follow the desire inside their heart, regardless of parents' words. finally, they feel painful in their teeth. in this situation, they see things more clearly. they will get two conclusion. first, too much candy is such a bad experience. second, neglecting parents' words is sort of stupid.
on the other hand, this behavior can help kid develop good habits, such as we should think about the thing we do after we finish it. the profits is so obvious. this is why so many companies ask their employees to do summaries. developing this habits, kids may think more, work more and achieve more.
in conclusion, i insist that the benefits that allowing children to make mistakes and learn from the wrong doings brings are of great importance.
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