TOEFL 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:Alex_387
【IBT机经-12】Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: Parents today are more involved in their children's education than parents were in the past
1. 请结合具体事例简述,过去和现在相比,时代背景有哪些不同?
回答: In the past time of China, social productivity is far less than today's. The GDP index of current China is almost 25 times bigger than it was 30 years ago. In the past, people have less spare time to consider their children's educational problems for that they have to worry about the life and they have more than one child in the family, which is different today-most family has only one child.
2. 在这些不同点中,哪些影响到了家庭教育方面,为什么? 请结合实际谈谈。
回答: Life pressure has a significant effects on how much time parents can spend on children. My grandfather often got to home at 9 o'clock at night for having too much meetings to participate and was too tired to concern about my mother's homework. Neither could he care about the education of her even he wanted to. My mother grew up with two brothers and sisters which grandfather could not pay as much attention to his children as my mother paid to me.
3. 孩子教育都包括哪些方面?会不会有哪些方面过去比现在的家长做得更好呢?请结合实际谈谈。
回答: Education contains the aspects of teaching knowledge, training skills, building a correct value. The eld parents, for example 30 years ago, really paid more attention on building a correct value of life including respect, value, personality and polite. However, modern parents concern more with the knowledge and training skills.
4. 参与到孩子教育中意味着要投入更多的时间、精力和金钱,考虑到这一点,现在的孩子家长真的能比过去的家长做的更好吗?请结合实际简述。
回答: Considering the time, the money, and the energy spending on children's education, modern parents do have more advantages to do better than eld ones. For the development of finance, educational theories, technology and living environment, modern parents have more resources of time and money to the education of their children.
5. 考虑到不同地区的社会经济发展水平或同一地区不同社会阶层等情况,该观点还成立吗?是否有局限性呢,为什么?
回答: Of course not. In some district in china, economic development has ceased for a very long time because the policies of the nation never ever considered their poor situation. In such countries or provinces, parents are under a very high pressure of living which will make them have less ability to concern their children's education.
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