GRE 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:张校华
The study of history has value only to the extent that it is relevant to our daily lives.
1. 历史对于现在的人们有哪些方面的意义和影响?影响方式有哪些?人们参考历史的目的是什么?
回答: 人们可以通过研究历史推测未来的发展情况,从而让人们根据预测去趋利避害,调整现在的行为。历史数据,历史上发生的事件。
2. 在你的印象中,过去的生活和现在的生活有哪些差距?今天有哪些东西是过去没有的?
回答: 过去的生活没有现在压力大,没有现在便捷,没有现在信息量大。互联网,全球化,气候变暖。
3. 是不是只有和现在完全一样的过去才会对今天的生活有指导意义?如果不是?那么,什么样的事情才是有指导意义的?请结合具体事例简述。
回答: 不是,只要现在的情况和过去的情况的差异不足以导致过去的行为在今天得出截然不同的效果就行。人们关注的,对社会发展有重要影响的。
4. 你读过哪些描写过去的书籍?它们是过时的还是对你现在的生活有指导意义?请举例说明。
回答: 很多名人的传记。有,李开复说大学最重要的不是学什么,而是培养学习的能力。让我不再讨厌自己觉得没用的科目,认真对待,提高自己的学习能力。
5. 你的父母是否曾经用他们过去的经验来给你一些指导?你认为有用么?为什么?请举例说明。
回答: 我父母在我高中的时候经常跟我讲一些他们同事家孩子刻苦学习,考上好大学的例子。当时觉得挺受鼓舞,然而事后仔细想来由不对自己的学习有什么帮助。没有机会接触到这些学生,不知道他们是怎么成功的,他们和我们又有怎样的不同,是否适合我们
6. 过去的一些经验或者事情是否会对人们造成误导?请举例说明。
回答: 过去的经验可能让人对对于现在产生错误的估计。

Nowadays, the study of history benefits different fields. And some of the studies are concerned with our daily lives-the material world environing us. Undoubtedly, these studies contribute a lot to the important of our daily lives. However, the importance of them is more than that.
Obviously, our daily life has been more convenient and efficient that ever, which can be partly attributed to the study of history.  The achievements earned by the professionals of computer science can appropriately prove the statement. As computer itself and some other items affiliate to it have greatly assist people to shorten their time cost on such stuffs as shopping, communicating, as well as searching for the information, the development of computer science has played more important a role on our daily life. And the refresh and innovation of if depend largely on the experts' continuous studying of the history of computer and the knowledge provided by their harbinger. These works enlarges their understanding of this rapidly-changed field and inspire them to research more for its development. As for the work of a programmer, his intention of updating an existed program widely used by people can only be realized by thoroughly investigating the development history of the program and some other programs relevant to it. The study of their history pave the programmer the way to find out the bugs and defects of the program then updates it.   
However, the function of the study of the history seems not to disappear when it comes to the development of the realms other than our daily life. The scientific theories can reveal the natural principles behind some natural phenomenon, providing humanities a better understanding of the world we live, but the significance of it improving our material lives is limited. The principles play more of guidance for the exploring of the nature than an entrance to a more efficient and convenient material world, thus the value of the principles should never be overlooked by us. For example, the work of the astronomers is to discover the secrets of the universe, then to present to the world of the truth they found to satisfy humanity’s desire of having a deeper insight into the origin and evolution of the universe and earth involved in it. For achieving the goal, the scientist can impossibly avoid studying the formation of the history through mining the data of the universe recorded by ancient astronomers and the theories proposed by them.
And for the improvement of philosophy, a subject concentrating on the spiritual world, the study of history is of great importance all the same. The philosopher has to read many philosophic scriptures before forming his own system to meliorate the spiritual world of human beings. Almost every prominent philosopher have a good knowledge of Socrates, Plato, Aristoteles and their works, because they lay the very foundation of the philosophy and defined what philosophy is. Without the study of the history, the philosophers will have difficulty in taking one step further of their field. And the spiritual world will not keep up with the booming material world, resulting in many severe problems between individuals, societies and nations to be unsolved.
With only identifying the value of study of history concerning our daily lives, the society will possibly incline to emphasize overwhelmingly on these studies, ignore the importance of the studies serving some other fields. And the sequent stagnancy of such behaviors as researching the universe and exploring the spiritual word is a great loss to the man-kind. Therefore, the value of the study of history should not only embrace our daily lives, but also the theoretic scientific research and the spiritual world.
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