TOEFL 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:废柴女
【IBT机经-21】Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: People should know the events happening around the world, even if it unlikely have some influence on your daily life.
1. 我们生活的是一个什么样的世界?这个时代的特点是什么?
回答: 生活是一个信息时代,有着大量的信息穿插在生活中,
2. 请举例说明世界上正在发生的重大事件有哪些?
回答: 近来多起的飞机事故,一些重大的政治事件,中国和俄罗斯的天然气管道事件,克洛米亚给公投归入俄罗斯,转基因食品,麦当劳食品问题。
3. 这些重大事件有什么特点呢?请结合实际简述。
回答: 这些事件都引起了世界比较多的关注,对国际形势有着一定的影响,对人们的生活也产生了一定的影响。
4. 这些事件是否会直接影响到你的日常生活?如果是,为什么?如果不是,那么是否会间接影响到你的生活呢,为什么?
回答: 会影响到我的生活,比如减少做飞机的次数,多去了解一些飞机安全逃生问题,避免去吉隆坡旅行。或者是关心天然气价格的问题,包括对转基因事物的影响,麦麦当劳事件,如果不知道,会依然去麦当劳消费。
5. 了解这些重大事件有什么意义呢?了解和不了解有什么分别么?请结合实际简述。
回答: 了解重大的时间可以帮助我们掌握更多的知识,更准确的判断形势和做出决策,增加与别人聊天的谈资。
This a era that is filled with tremendous informarion. Also, there are so many veichles presenting what has happened aound us, like the newspaper, mobile phone, Internet, vdieos and so on. Someone cites that people should know the events happening around the world, even if it unlikely have some influence on your daily life. I agrree with teh idea strongly, the reason are as followings.Some events happened around us have directly influence on us, which may concerns about our health or life problem. One of the best examples is the genettic modified food in heated discussions among teh whole world. Some country delate that genetic modified  food is unhealth food products, while in some country the experts said that there is no apparant evidence to approve its propriety. Though the final result do not figure out, people should pay attention to the event, since it have close relation to our health, Once it turned out to be poisonius, people care about teh events will deny the genetic modifited products. Another example is about the missing Malaysis Airlines MH370 and high attetion has been paid on this events.  It produce big influence on people, eespeciallly the people of countries adjacent to Malaysis. After the invention, people are more likey to aacmulate the knowlege regarding sercuity in the plane. Also, more and more people will not choose the flights of Malalysis Airlinees ceast to travel to Malaisi as well. These events connnect with our life tightly. It is really hard to overlook this kind of news.Moreover, some eveents  do not relate to us seemingly, but actually, they have indirect impact on us These events will guide us and hepl us make a decison in some cases, Like a few month ago, China and Russia cooperate with each other and negoiate a contact corning about the natural gas. In the eay us, it was just a commerical ot political trade between two contries and nothing to do with us democratic However, the after mateh baou the event is more than that and infkuence us indirectly. Because one coutry importm and the other will export, it will raise up or fall down the price of natural gas and thus influence the stock price of energy resources. If some individuals poesse relevent stock, he or she shoud make a choice to invetn more or just sell them as sooin as posssible. according to the current affaris, Therefore, it sees taht somthing have nothing to do with us, it can have impact on us. Once you live in this world, you should know what happened around us. It help us amek effecient decision in the life/Also, it is true that some eventt barely relate to our daiy life. Like the sports event (many people do not have interest in sports), some gossips about the famous and so on, it's no ta big deal to know nothing about it. However, in some cases, we'd better to know about this, especially the one who are doing commerical business or management job, it is really be of importance to have some talking points keeping iin mind nad thus it will be more eaiser to begin the busincesss stuf with customers. just like the English prefer to talk abou the weather. Ifyou barely know nothing, ohters will find you dull and boring,This is one of big difference between human beingd and anmials in the earth that we concern about the events happening. Wihtout informing what hap happened, our life will remain unchanged forever, and maybe make wrong decision sometimes. In sum, even it some events have nothing to fo with ud, we have to know about it.
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