GRE 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:huyishu
What most human beings really want to attain is not knowledge, but certainty. Gaining real knowledge requires taking risks and keeping the mind open -- but most people prefer to be reassured rather than to learn the complex and often unsettling truth about anything.
1. 你是一个喜欢冒险的人还是喜欢稳定的人?从人类历史发展的过程来看,人类对冒险的态度是怎样的?对稳定的态度是怎样的?请举例说明。
回答: 我是一个喜欢冒险的人,不同文化背景的人对冒险与稳定的认识不同。中国地理位置适宜农耕,文化强调联合,稳定,不喜欢冒险,对外交往几乎很少。 希腊地理位置靠海,决定了他们对冒险的热衷,他们的历史一定程度上来说就是战争史。
2. 人们获得知识的方法和途径有哪些?这些方法和途径会要求人们具备哪些特征?这些特征哪些存在风险?哪些是不存在风险的?请举例说明。
回答: 人们可以通过获得前人的经验,或自己通过观察,实验得出新的知识。 获得前人经验需要爱好阅读,自创需要冒险精神和勇敢,因为当提出异于前人结论的结果时往往遭到抵制,比如哥白尼的日心说,比如达尔文的物种起源,比如阎连科不能在大陆出版的有关大跃进的书。
3. 新的知识具有什么特点?人们接受新的知识需要有哪些必要条件?这些必要条件中,哪些是有风险的?哪些是没有风险的?请举例说明。
回答: 新知识要么是之前的重新组合,要么是对之前结论的修正或者颠覆。人们接受新知识要有勇气,要有独立判断的能力,要有相对宽松的社会环境。社会环境是有风险的,比如中世纪的欧洲的黑暗时期,否认神的存在是为社会不容的,比如法国大革命时期,反对流血暴力被视为保王党。
4. 需要冒险的事物具有哪些特点?这些特点如何影响人们的行为?确定的事物具有哪些特点?这些特点如何影响人们的行为?请分别举例说明。
回答: 首先不能清晰预测结果,很小众,但往往成功了结果惊人。因为结果的不确定性,仅有很少一部分人会去尝试,比如改革开放初的家庭联产承包,比如朝鲜的脱北者。 确定的事情结果基本明确,但成功的好处往往不明显。人们都去参与,就有过剩现象带来的问题。比如大学生集体考研,虽然避免了就业压力,但是考虑到考研成本,并不划算。
5. 人的性格是否会影响人们对知识以及生活状态的追求?什么样的人会喜欢冒险?什么样的人会喜欢确定的生活?请举例说明。
回答: 会有影响,见识广泛的人更愿意冒险,或者被生活逼迫的无路可走的人,比如放弃工作来中国山区麻风村支教的台湾女记者,比如《泰坦尼克号》里的赢得船票的年轻画家。
In one lecture of university physics, my teacher concluded that modern society made it impossible for the appearence of creative theories, and what a scholar could do is to revise the exsited theory or combine the old ones to shape a relatively new theory.  I agree with his word to some degree for I believe that there is nothing new under the sun. However, what my physics teacher may ignore is that the man who comes up with the new idea does have some characteristic that worth our admiration, the adventerous inspirit.

Probably all that we called creations can be traced to something that has been existed for so many years. In my country, as a old civilization with almost 5000 years of history,  modern phylosophers all inherit what was discussed in the ancient time. Consider the vital conception of the Chinese communist party-serving the people. It seems to the people who suffering the war a brand new conception of gorvernment and political party. While Mencius argued this conception in his book by saying that the leaders should place people in the first palce, then the society and finally comes to the governer itself. Most people call this phenomenon as culture tradition, and it holds truth to some degree for our knowledge , in the full sense of word , is tradition.

The birth of new knowledge always accompanies with pain for it might be impeded by the old conceptions. We cannot imagine how there came the doctor Martin Luther's calim about religion transformation. In that dark period, people who showed their disgreement with churches would face harsh punishment. Doctor Luther traveled the whole Germany land to spread his claim and showed no fear of the church. History tells everything, and the dark days are gone forever. Almost 300 years later, in the Amercian continent, the same plot  staged. The require of freeing the black people marked the American history of the19th century. From history documents, we saw the fierce disagreement from the South, and then the Civil War.New conceptions , whether in academy fields or in politcal events always have an enemy in the name of the old conception.

Although sometimes new knowledge faces no restriction or even develops in an open social environment, the contribution of those men with brave hearts should be remembered. Accurate and adventurous, they were driving force behind that pushed the new knowledge onto the stage.
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