GRE 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:huyishu
Major policy decisions should always be left to politicians and other government experts, who are more informed and thus have better judgment and perspective than do members of the general public.
1. 请列举三条有代表性的重大政策决定,并简述这些决定的制定者是谁。
回答: 改革开放, 中共中央 美国的宪法第一修正案 各州代表 大跃进
2. 政治家和其他政府专家在制定主要的政策决定的过程中有哪些优势和不足?请举例并简述。
回答: 政治家经过训练,能够从全局角度制定政策,但是政治家有时代表部分人的利益,所制定的政策可能会侵犯其他人的权利 比如1970年前后的中美建交,是一个正确的决定,随后美国承认北京政府,1971年获得了联合国的合法席位 比如布什政府的攻打伊拉克的决定显得草率且不符合美国人民的利益,反而给一些家庭带来了痛苦
3. 如果让公众去做政策决定,他们的决定和政治家的决定会有哪些差异?有哪些优点以及会出现的潜在问题?请举例并简述。
回答: 公众的决定可能从生活实际出发解决实际生活的问题,但是同样的公众代表更容易代表某一集体的利益 比如浙商代表提出的关于拯救中心企业的提案是从当前的实际出发的。 比如石油的高层表示油价上涨滞后
4. 政治家、政府专家与公众相比,判断力和观点看法在哪些方面有着何种程度的不同?请举例并简述。
5. 见识广、更好的判断力和看法在主要政策决定的过程中起到了哪些作用?请举例并简述。
  In the first week of Feburary,2012, Chinese mainstream media chose the same theme as their headlines, the memory of Southern Talk. Indeed, the talk given by Deng Xiaoping in south China in 1992 had a great impact on Chinese economy. From this event, I conclude that public decision-making is a work full of challenges so it should belong to those who have plenty of experiences about political affairs.

Politician or the experts from government usually have insightful manner of think and that help make sure that the decisions have positive effect in the whole nation. Several years before the decision of the Chinese transformation and openning up, aroud the year of 1970, Zhou Enlai, decided to take chance to restore the diplomatic relations with Amercian government. Most Chinese scholar marks the this event as the new start aften the nearly 6-year chaos in China mainland. After the represent of P.R.Chian came back to the Union Naiton conference, people saw China in a brand new way.In the following years, the domestic econoy recovered and the whole nation never faced starvation. Also in the desperate 1930's, New Deal  revised the drawback of captialism and  resued Amrican people from depress.

Also, the decisions of wise politicians not only does good to the society but also have profound impact on cultural aspects. Many people who go to southeast Asian countries  always feel amazed about how similat they are with China, and I feel proud to say such resemblence began 300 years ago, the time of the Ming Dynasty in Chinese history. When Zhu Di, the most famous emperor of Ming Dynasty, set Zheng He to travel by sea, he also concerned about how to enhance his empire's reputation. When Zhenghe arrived where is now called Sigapore, he exchanged his presents with the local leaders and also taught the local people how to speak Chinese. After his 18-year travel,  people in southeast Asia had an impressiong of a strong and rich Ming Empire.

Although under some occasions, policy makers may concentrate on the interest of a small proportion of rich people,such as the top news in 2003 that the Bush government decided to attack Iraq, I believe a qualtified pilitician should know that his political career is combined with the public profits, his decision has to take into account with the public. Therefore, policy makers should be those wise politicians.
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