GRE 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:孙晓琳
[Claim] The best test of an argument is its ability to convince someone with an opposing viewpoint. [Reason] Only by being forced to defend an idea against the doubts and contrasting views of others does one really discover the value of that idea. [Specific Task Instruction: Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the claim and the reason on which that claim is based.]
[观点]对一个论点最好的测试就是这个论点说服持有对立观点的人的能力。 [理由]只有我们被迫回应别人对一个观点提出的质疑或相反观点时,我们才能真正发现这个观点的价值。 [说明]写一篇文章,讨论你同意或反对这个观点,以及支持观点的理由达到怎样的程度。
本题理由部分出自老GRE的ISSUE18"Only by being forced to defend an idea against the doubts and contrasting views of others does one really discover the value of that idea"。需要阐述的实际上是在什么情况下我们能发现一个观点的真正价值。当一个观点被人质疑或者提出相反看法时,其实也就是争论产生的时候。因此,你可以从“理越辩越明”的角度来考虑,也可以从发现一个观点价值的若干方式出发来进行论证。注意,题目的“only”是一个极端词汇,你需要思考是否“只有”在争论的条件下才能发现一个观点的价值。
1. 描述一个人们有争议的观点,这个观点是有价值的么?人们是否是在争论的过程中发现了它的观点?如果不是,是怎样发现的?
回答: 比如说为了给孩子买圣诞节礼物,家长由于没钱只好去偷这是不应该的的.这个观点毫无疑问是有争议的,同时这个观点也有价值,比如这涉及到了偷在何种情况下正当,后果是商店受到了损失,家长也受到谴责,但是孩子在得到满足时业受到了欺骗,人们在争论时发现了普通的价值观念和道德观念的作用,同时也在试图说服对方后得到了普遍的认同,即偷是不正当的,但是家长的无奈之举应该考虑在惩罚力度上.
2. 一个观点的价值会体现在哪些方面?请举例说明。
回答: 这个观点的针对性,实用性,正确性,同时还可能有一定的传承性.比如说今年的经济发展趋势良好,就会有实用性和针对性,同时还会包含一定可能的错误.
3. 发现观点的价值有哪些方法和途径?请举例说明。
回答: 方法:证明或者实践,分析原因或者通向类似的观点进行比较,或者通过辩论和批判性思考.
4. 当人们对一个观点产生质疑时,回应的一方会考虑哪些因素来消除这些质疑?这些因素哪些是和发现观点的价值有关的?哪些是无关的?
回答: 会赢得一方会通过寻找证据针对质疑来消除这种质疑,或者通过寻找对方质疑的原因来重新进行分析来消除质疑.或者通过证明对方的质疑是不合理同时没有考虑所有可能事实来消除质疑.全部有关比如寻找证据针对质疑或者重新分析都会使观点变得全面,真实,同时有更多的事实根据
the speaker believe the assertion that the best test of an argument is its ability to convince someone with an opposing viewpoint which is based on the reason that Only by being forced to defend an idea against the doubts and contrasting views of others does one really discover the value of that idea.
while I believe that there are probably three cruial reasons held by the speaker that idea can only be discovered by being forced to defend an idea against the doubts and contrasting views of others. firstly, the advantages of defending an idea are obvious: the idea can be examined and tested in every possible respect and thereby supported by every possible way, by which the idea can be well substantiated and recognized by both the arguing parties. For example, the heliocentric theory aroused lots of conflictions since it was totally controvercial with the dominating earthcentric theory. By the defending of both sides, the scientists of each side continued to find evidences to defend their supporting theory and trying to resist the other theory and eventially, the heliocentric theory won the battle and rewrited the history of astronomy by using scientific methods and substantiated evidence.
Next, by the process of supporting this idea, the person must find all possible defacts and omissions and then repair it or convince it, by which the content of the idea can be fully conpleted, and the speaker will realize that the possible flaws of his or her idea. in the example of the discussion of a unsettled business strategy, almost every one has his or her own reasons for holding that idea, and of couse they usually see the possible profits of the strategy not the flaws or omissions of the whole plan, so in the discussion and argument, every one needs to find ways, such as strengthen his ideas by finding supports or weaken the opposite plans by attacting the possible weakness, to better defend his own strategy. In the consequence, they will realize the flaws and the weaks of every possible plan and through comparing them the managers or executives will find a better one for the final choice.
Finally, by the argument, the idea can be proved its practical values and the moral as well as legal values. such as this kind of idea: it is unlegal and unreasonable for poor father who cannot buy his son a Christmas present to steal from a closed shop. The stands of possible conflicting  parties can be focused on the standard of morality and legal values. And after the defending of the idea, people of both side have to consider the most central question that whether the objection of the stealing can make the theft be viewed as reasonable and rational, and with this answer made by the question, other cases of the same kind can be provided with more practical and emotion-acceptable customary.
conceding the benefits of this method, I also believe that the extreme assertion that the argument is the only way to achieve the goal that realize the possible value also need further consideration. In fact, the flaws of this method are also very apparent, such as the argument may become some useless quarrels or some meaningless oppositions of stances or ideologies. Besides the method of arguing which should be considered as exceptional ways, there are other ways of achieving this goal such as by explainning the idea or analyzing the idea simply in a critical way.
consider the flaws of the reason and the standard which measures the value of an argument is also make the assertion that the best test of an argument is its ability to convince someone with an opposing viewpoint very opaque. The convincing ability of an argument is based on the reason and the logic, however, the test for the argument is probably focused on other respects, such as the moral concerns of the "theft" example mentioned above, and the practicality of the stragegy or the history value of the arguemnt. So the assertation is unsupported by the reason the speaker acclaimed.
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