TOEFL 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:viking
People attend college or university for many different reasons (for example, new experiences, career preparation, increased knowledge). Why do you think people attend college or university? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.
1. 你已经或者曾经是大学生么?简单描述一件在大学生活中给你印象最深刻的事情,并说说它给你带来了什么影响。
回答: 曾经是大学生。我曾组织其他三个同学一起参加设计比赛,我不仅参与产品设计,并作为团队leader制定schedule推动小组进程和讨论,最终我们递交的四件设计作品,三个获得了大奖,最高奖为二等奖。这件事鼓励我的管理热情,激发了我创业的梦想。
2. 综合你的大学生活,你认为你在大学得到了什么?(知识,经验,爱情……)
回答: 打开了视野并学习新的思维方式。大学时我辅修了经济管理专业,在这个辅修班里有来自各个专业的优秀生,我们一起学习一起讨论。我从他们那学到了很多我自己 专业以外的知识,也学习了工科生,理科生艺术生不懂的思维方式。这让我学到了如何和不同专业不同领域的人交流沟通。
3. 你有没有上过大学的朋友?你认为如果他们上大学的话,能得到什么改变?
回答: 我有个朋友没上过大学,现在在一家服装店做店员,工作很累但赚的不多。每当她为顾客试穿时,她多么希望有一天她也能穿上这漂亮的长裙,可是她的薪水并不能实现她的愿望。当我作为大学毕业生正梦想着成为年薪百万的世界百强公司的老板时,我的同学却梦想着早点能买的起那条自己喜欢的长裙。
4. 你认为中国的大学教育还存在什么问题?你有什么好的解决方案吗?
Lots of people decide to go to university for increasing special knowledge; some people want to get diploma of university;many people just like to experience this life of university. However, I think people go to university mainly for the following three reasons.

To begin with,people could explore their interest or seek dreams during the time of univiersity, by using my owe story to illustrate. At the time of university, I orginized othere 3 students to participate a design competition. As a leader, I drew up a plan and push the progress and discussion.Finally, we got 3 big prizes in 4 piecie of works submitted. This success encouraged my enthusiasm of management and inspire me to have a dream of establishing own business.

Moreover, opening views is one of people aims for going to university. There are lots of opportunities to join in group, which is made up by different field students. For example, in the minor class, students get together to discuss and learn. The students, major in literature, can listen to the discription about the beauty of mathematics from scientific students; students who major in art can understand how engines of trucks works through the discription of students who come from department of mechanical engineering.

Furthermore, it is helpful of recognizing a lot of different field students for future jobs. As an illustration, when I am deciding whether the company should buy a set of new medical image instrument, I can call my friend who is a doctor for listening his professional opinions, which will reduce the risk of my investigation.

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