TOEFL 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:kathykira
Nowadays, food has become easier to prepare. Has this change improved the way people live? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.
1. 你有没有觉得那些食物比以前更容易准备了?例如面条
回答: 有。比如面条,以前都是自己擀,现在在超市买干面条随时吃就好了。
2. 这些食物变得好准备以后,给你带来了什么好处?
回答: 节省了很多时间,变方便了。 不会做饭也不会饿着了。
3. 食物变得更好准备,有没有给你带来坏处呢?如果有,是什么呢?
回答: 有。 变懒了。不愿意自己做饭,经常会吃M等快餐。 吃的非常不健康,太多的人超重-->高血压,动粥等与饮食习惯密切相关的疾病^
4. 人们的生活水平受到哪些因素的影响?尤其是跟吃有关系的有哪些?
回答: 经济:冰箱-->食物可以较长时间保存,以前就算得到这些食物资源也没有办法保存下来i.e荷兰的鱼-->阻碍了经济的发展,浪费,现在resolve了
Today, when we srolling on the road, we could see many fast food restaurants open 24 hours, so you can get a meal regardless the time.  What's more, there are so many semi-finished food in the cities' supermarkets. All of this things do really free our family members, especially our mum, out off the kitchen. Let us have more time to go work and do what we are interested in. As I am concerned, in some extent, the changes of food improved our living standard.
Easier obtained food spur the development of economics. Because food is the basic luster that people persuit, it is foundamental. In 19th, the invention of can gave Holland the ability to became a big country. Since in the ocean which coast Holland, there are many kinds of fish. But, at first,  Hollander confused that though they could cought so much fish, most of them went bad, since they did not known how to protect them. The invention of can just in the appopriate time. Another invention we could not be familier any more-refrigirator. It is a further step in protecting food. Both can and refrigirator are reduced the food which because of went bad, people thrown away.
Also, food became easier prepared reduced our time. As we all know, in today's society, time is so important that we could not to describe. For example, we could eat some fast food at work place instead of went back home at make a lunch which would wasted our time. And we also could bought noodle in supermarkets which in the past we could only make them by ourselves using flour.
But, the development of food also has some side effects. First, people are become lazier than before, because they thought they could get food even they not to cook. More seriously, many diseases arisen because of the bad eating type, such as hypertention, diabetes.
All in all, I think we should use the efficiency of easier prepared food. But, if we have time, it is a good choice to go to kitchen and cook a healthy meal for your family.
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