TOEFL 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:钱琛
Nowadays, food has become easier to prepare. Has this change improved the way people live? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.
1. 你有没有觉得那些食物比以前更容易准备了?例如面条
2. 这些食物变得好准备以后,给你带来了什么好处?
3. 食物变得更好准备,有没有给你带来坏处呢?如果有,是什么呢?
4. 人们的生活水平受到哪些因素的影响?尤其是跟吃有关系的有哪些?
There is no doubt that food becomes more and more easier to prepare. In previous years, vegetables in the market were very dirty, even stained with mud. Hardly can these vegetables be washed clean. And if someone wants to eat dumplings, it may took the housewife half a day to prepare because the pork was hard to slice to be minced meat and making dumpling wrappers needed several steps which are very time consuming.
But now, in the supermarkets, seldom can someone find vegetables which are stained with mud. And pork, steak and so on so forth, are all sliced into different shapes to meet consumers'different choices. What is more, if someone want to eat chicken, he never needs to buy a whole chicken and instead he just need to buy his favorite parts, for example, wings or some parts else. As to those amazing ingredients, it just take several minutes to make a delicious meal with them. 
It is the truth that in this way, can save people's much time, and decrease people's burden, taking the living pressure into consideration. For example, couples today are all busy with their careers in the day time, when they go home at night, neither of them is willing to spent too much time in cooking. But owning to the easy going food preparation, they just need to spend about half an hour on cooking, then they can have a delicious diner. Some other people, especially students who are studying abroad, reap the benefits from the easy preparation of food more. Cooking all by themselves seems to be the only way for students who are abroad because they are not used to eat foreign food and cannot afford eating in Chinese restaurants everyday. So they have to find a way which is not time consuming but they can eat Chinese food. Of course, buying food from super markets is the best choice.
But such a change do also bring some adverse consequences. Because all these food is previously prepared, so they need to be kept in refrigerators in order to avoid corruption. At the same time, it cannot be fresh enough.
Anyway, such a change has improved people's quality of life. 
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