GRE 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:Hermione
[Claim] When planning courses, educators should take into account the interests and suggestions of their students. [Reason] Students are more motivated to learn when they are interested in what they are studying. [Specific Task Instruction: Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the claim and the reason on which that claim is based.]
[观点]在设计课程时,教育家应该参考学生的兴趣和建议。 [理由]当学生对他们所学的东西感兴趣的时候,他们会更积极得学习。 [说明]写一篇文章,讨论你同意或反对这个观点,以及支持观点的理由达到怎样的程度。
题目讨论设计课程时的参考内容,并提出了提高学生学习积极性的原因。本题是很常见的话题,但分析时要注意以下三点: 1、分析可以面向各个教学阶段以及不同学科; 2、从教师和学生“互动”(教师参考学生的兴趣和建议、学生积极学习)的角度考虑问题; 3、分析的时候要避免偏激思路,虽然大家都是从应试教育阶段走过来的,但是要注意:可以排斥但是言语不要过激。
1. 结合你的经验,请分析并列举,教育家或者教师的职责包括哪些?
回答: develop the children's interest and potential talent for sth they are really interested in. Find an appropriate way to teach the student to learn the knowlege. guide the student to right ways when growing up. teach them sth spirit instead of material,such as to be a moral man, everyone should have the courage to chase their dreams.
2. 结合你的经验,请分析并列举,学生的兴趣特点的可能有哪些?
回答: many students are more likely to be interested in sth easy to grasp,especially when learning sth. learning is a boring and difficult way,so it's the students' nature to find sth fun in it. besides,some students will choose sth inspiring.people need other people's encouragement to keep up themselves.when students hear about some stories inspiring ,they may have the moraze to keep going.
3. 如果在设计课程的过程中教育家严格并且完全地参考学生的兴趣和建议,会对教学以及其效果有哪些影响?请举例并简述。
回答: at first,it will take some effects,but very spuriously.students always want sth easy,so that will make the class full of fun.but a class with truly high quality must consist of some upset and frustrated things,which are the essence of the subject and the if the teacher take all the interests and suggestions of students into consideration,it will not help to develop the students on the intellectual facet.
4. 如果在设计课程的过程中教育家完全忽视学生的兴趣和建议,会对教学以及其效果有哪些影响?请举例并简述。
回答: it will become hard to make students to be concentrated on the subject,for the class is too boring.for example,the philosophy is an extraordinary difficult subject to many students.if the teacher just teach the lesson in his own way with ingnoring the demand and suggestions of students,the high percentage of absence will be the consequence of the contrast,if the teacher find a teaching method that helps the students to understand the philosophy better and easier,I suppose that the consequence will be totally different.
5. 你认为的,在设计课程过程中,应该怎样参考学生的兴趣和建议比较合适?请简述。
回答: first the teacher should ask the students for some advice about the subject,so the teacher can easily grasp the students' attention and make the knowledge more understandable when having the class.but the students' advice can only be the advice,it can not control the teacher's own teaching method,or it will be a disaster.
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