GRE 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:Yuxian Du
People's behavior is largely determined by forces not of their own making. [Specific Task Instruction: Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the statement and explain your reasoning for the position you take. In developing and supporting your position, you should consider ways in which the statement might or might not hold true and explain how these considerations shape your position.]
本题讨论对个人行为负责相关的问题,题目认为个人行为并非是自己可以决定的,更多得是被外界左右。本题改编自老GRE的ISSUE93"The concept of 'individual responsibility' is a necessary fiction. Although societies must hold individuals accountable for their own actions, people's behavior is largely determined by forces not of their own making",和老GRE的ISSUE156"Choice is an illusion. In reality, our lives are controlled by the society in which we live"有互通之处。在分析的过程中,可以从个人责任的意义以及是否必要,影响个人行为的因素,外界对个人行为的影响方面和具体形式、程度等方面展开思考。
1. 如果不存在“个人责任”这个概念,人们的学习、工作、生活以及整个社会的发展都会出现哪些问题?请举例并简述。
回答: People will always attribute their behavior to other reasons rather than themselves. For example, in a car accident, the transgressor may owe the accident to the victim and the circumstances rather then his/her uncareful driving.
2. 让个人为自己的行为负责对于社会有哪些好处?请举例并简述。
回答: Avoid conflict between people, force people to behave more rationally. For example, if one need not consider to take responsibility on what he or she does, he would do whatever he wants and ignore other people's feeling and thus destroy the social freedom.
3. 人们的行为都受到哪些因素的影响?请举例并简述。(可从内因、外因两方面分别考虑)
回答: Subjective: personal values,interests, wills Objective: social pressure, social values, circumstances, other people's views
4. 外界因素在哪些情况下以何种方式影响着人们的行为?请举例并简述。
回答: Two main ways: through the events to human behavior and directly perform on him/herself.
5. 人们是否可以不顾外界环境的影响而进行自己的选择?如果可以,请举例;如果不可以,请解释原因。
回答: Yes and No. If the person have a strong mind and could care nothing about other people's view on him/herself, and dare not to face any kind results that could possibly come from his or her behavior, he or she could ignore the exogenous influence. However, if not, no.
If, you are standing by a street, everybody else is waiting for the red light to turn green and stand still, will you choose to cross the street ignoring other people's attitudes towards you, or do the same thing as them? A most common result would be, you also standing there and waiting for the red light. This is a good daily live example showing that people's behavior is determined by force not of their own making. Furthermore, it's true that people do have things that they do under the influence of others and the social norms. According to basic social science theory, people is a social animal. Every person in the society has its own status, profession, statements and interests. And also, people has to interact with others in the society. In order to build up good relationship with various kinds of people, the social norms form spontaneously. When these norms formed, they, combines with other external factors, become a strong force that would effect people's behavior.Despite the direct form of influence, the external factors - like social norms, concrete circumstances, social interests and other people's views - have indirect ways of influence people's behavior. Through the function on personal values and views toward events, people may behave in their own consciousness but actually result from the external factors. That is, the force of not their own making. However, we should not neglect another important fact: human beings are self-decisive. That is to say, the behavior, not matter how much influenced by the internal and external factors, whose implement is determined by the subject itself. Every rational person have his or her own standard on what is right and what is wrong. This discrimination against the external factors plays significant roles in final determine the behavior. Imagining the following scenario: a student from a rural area has a strong desire to improve his living condition through education, even if the people around him all said that hard-working on schoolwork is not worth than doing small business, even if all the children of his same age playing all day long, even if his relatives want force him to drop from the school to help the family with everyday business, he would not surrender to them and try his best to conquer his dream. Admittedly, the external force, or the force of not his own making, is great enough to redirect his way of life, his behavior would not be determined by them.The force of not our own making may penetrate into our heart, change our attitude and change our behavior. However, people are not slaves of the external factors, as a group of animals who has their own idea and principles, people would always fight for his utmost benefits.
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